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Title: Reynolds, William to Reynolds, Laurence, 1882
CollectionThe Reynolds Letters. An Irish Emigrant Family in Late Victorian Manchester [L.W. McBride]
SenderReynolds, William
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationlinen trader
Sender Religionunknown
OriginManchester, England
DestinationChicago, Illinois, USA
RecipientReynolds, Laurence
Recipient Gendermale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count566
Genrepolitics, friends
Transcript[October 1882?]
[beginning missing]

to the convention. It was heald in the Leeds Town Hall. It was a vary
grand assemWedge. To See tham in the Streets when we adgurned at
noon for Some refreshments you would think thay ware all gentlemen.
The people of the Town Stood and ware supprised and could not beleve
it was a meeting of Land Leaguers. There ware some vary great sweels
[sireJ/s] from London but the most enlightened and best Speakers ware
from Manchester and the Districts. Mr T P O'Connor presided and
he is Very Clever and everything went on as smoted [smooth] as possable.
The Convention was over at 5/30 and he Said it was the grandest
meeting of Irishmen ever heald in England. Mr Parnell Sittled all the
business in about a quarter of an hour. A good maney of the dal agates
did not agree with him. I think he done the Best thing. The hole business
of the League in England will be managed by about 7 Members of
Parliament instead of SO men been on the Committe as last year. I think
it will go on better with a Small number having the management. Thare
ware 5 or 6 Members of Parliment at the Convention. Mr Sexton is
a Very Clever man. He is one of the Cleverest men I have ever herd
Speak and to look at him you would be supprised at the ability he is posse
sed of.
Dear Brother, The men at the Branch here Tryed Very hard to get
me to run for counsellor for ArdSal [Ordsall] ward, and some of the
principle man in Manchester, Some Docters committed with the
League, but I would not undertake it. I promised to undertake it in 2
or 3 years from now. I mite be able to give Some of my time to it. For
a man to accept a post of that Sort he wants to be a man of ability and
a good deal of expearance. Thay said I was the only Irishman in Salford
thay would like to Bring forward.
Dear Brother, At present I have as mutch to do as is vary good for
my health and constitution. I have nothing else I can tell you about at present except the change thare has come over Manchster Since you
left. I dont know what has become of your old companions. James
Curran came from America. He called to See Patrick and I at the
works and we had a long chat. He was Supprised how I got on. He
could not make out how it was done. He was in grand health. He lost
Some of his fingers wile in the States working a curculer Saw. He only
came over on a visit but he told us after a time he will Come and Settle
in Manchester.
Dear Brother, I was very glad to See by your Letter that you are
looking after the aducation of your Children. You could not do anything
Better for without aducation at the present Day people are simply nothing
in the World. Inclosed is a Cabinet of me mothers and a small card
of Patricks. Thay ware not ready the last letter I had sent. Nomore at
present. All goin in Sending thare love, Mother Mary Ann and Patrick
to you Mary Ann and the Children.
Your effectionate Brother