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Title: Reynolds, William to Reynolds, Laurence, 1895
CollectionThe Reynolds Letters. An Irish Emigrant Family in Late Victorian Manchester [L.W. McBride]
SenderReynolds, William
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationlinen trader
Sender Religionunknown
OriginManchester, England
DestinationChicago, Illinois, USA
RecipientReynolds, Laurence
Recipient Gendermale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count793
Genredecease, family disappointments
Transcript1 Dudley Place
Old Trafford
March 13-1895

Dear Brother & Sister,
Mary an n and I received your letters last Saturday and we ware very
pleased and thank you very hearth I y for your Kind Sympathy. It was
the only real Sympathy we received Since Mother died. We thank all
the family Tom — John — Mary — Willia[m] all for their good
hearthed Sympathy. Dear Laurence, we know you falt Mothers death extremely and we fait it. It was vary trying to us all though She was a great age. Still at the last She went quicker than we expected. If it was possible for us to keep her living for a mutch longer time nothing in the world would have pleased us better. She received everything religion could do for [her], and She was well attended by the doctor & nurse.
She was airways praying from morning till night, that was the way
She Spent the principle part of her time. She gave us men ay a good
advise in our time as She was vary far seen, even in business mattars,
and gave us a great example of patience. Maryann was ill for about a
week after the funeral but She is now mutch better and able to go to
business for a few hours each day. We had Some good friends at the
funeral, near friends Hughie and his Sister. Mr. & Mrs Masterson also
Mr & Mrs Flannigan.
Mother died 11/30 Monday night Feb 11th. I went at once for Mrs
Flannigan and boath came back at once and told me thay would go to
London to assist us and Edward was quite broken down. Mrs Flannigan
acted one of the best friends we mat with. She is one of the old Stock
and we cannot forget her. All our friends were Kind and had great Sympathy
for us all the people at St Wilfrids. And all the Shopkeepers in
Strctford Road, even the people at old Trafford, put down thair blinds
the day of the funeral and Several of the Shops on Stretford Road put
up thair Shutters till the funeral past. James assisted in every way possible and we ware vary well pleased he was over here at the time. He
was present to[o] when She died. Thare was Maryann Hughie James &
myself ware at the bedside when She died. Mother had a great Love for
James as he Seen a good deal of her Since he has been here. Up to 4 or
5 weeks before her death She did not show any great Signs of weekness.
She used to tell us her time was getting Short but it was the very Severe
frost, it took a [great] meney old people. She was quite prepared and
resigned and even a day or two before She died She was Satisfied to
accept the will of God. She had every care and attantion and everything
that could be done was done for her. She deserved all and the one great
objact of our lives was if it was in our power to make her happy.
I think James told you how John acted. He done Something that was
unworthy of himself. It was a very discrasefull action in the presence of
our Friends and Father Lynch. When Mother was very ill he had to
be Sent for and than he came with a growl on his face. Maryann and 1
asked him to bring his wife to the funeral but he Said She would not
come for Father Lynch. But he had the worst action of all to act the day
of the funeral. I had 4 coaches & Hearse ordered, ample room for double
the number who ware at the funeral. Father Lynch John Maryann
& myself in the first coach. When we arrived at the cemitary Father
Lynch got out and than he said my wife has a coach and I am going home
with my wife. You can imagine how we falt to receive this Stab when
my Mother was gatting put down in the clay. A real brother would assist
us and Say you must not bear all the expanse yourself, I am not Short
of money and I will do my part. No, he never mentioned a copper. One
would think that a Sister and brother who stood by the old home So
well deserved better treatment. John is one of the meanest misers in
this town. We forgive tham and we hope God will forgive tham.
I am Sorry I have [been] obliged to write so mutch about a brother.
Maryann is going to Send you a Letter. With love and best wishes to all

I remain
your effectionate Brother