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Title: Reynolds, William to Reynolds, James William, 1904
CollectionThe Reynolds Letters. An Irish Emigrant Family in Late Victorian Manchester [L.W. McBride]
SenderReynolds, William
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationlinen trader
Sender Religionunknown
OriginManchester, England
DestinationChicago, Illinois, USA
RecipientReynolds, James William
Recipient Gendermale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count607
Transcript293 Wilmslow Road
April 19* 1904
Dear James,
1 received your letter sympathising with me in the great loss I have
sustained in the death of your Aunt Mary Ann. It was the heaviest blow
1 have received during all my life and it came so sudden and unexpected.
We were both enjoying good health up to the commencement of March
and we talked together how we had got over the winter so well. I caught
a cold first and an attack of neuralgia. Of course she had her old complaint Bronchitis every winter but as far as I could see she seemed to
have got over this winter better than any for the last S years and showed
no sign of anything unusual till about the 15th of March. On the 16th of
March she went out to do a little shopping and was out for about
half-an-hour but during the time she was out the east wind caught her
severely and caused a pain in her back. When I went to dinner she was
complaining of the pain and said the cold had caught her. The Doctor was called to the house at the time to see her and came in at dinner time
while I was presant and did not think there was anything unusual but said
she would be all right in a day or two. She seemed to get a little worse
but did not take to her bed until Friday. She then commenced to cough
rather bad and on Saturday she got rather downcast, a thing I never saw
before in my life as she was a woman with a splendid spirit. When I saw
this change it began to effect me very much. It seemed to completily get
over my feelings. Saturday night she had a bad night and I went into her
bedroom during the night several times She had a friend sleeping in
there. I saw the way she was breathing and thought she could not possibly
last very long but as morning advanced she seemed to recover her
breathing. I went off early in the morning and got the Doctor out of bed
to come to see her. He still thought she would be right in a day or two
and the Priest also thought the same.
About 6 oclock on Sunday evening she took a change for the worse
as she coughed very bad during the day and became unconscious. I
brought the Doctor quickly again and a specialist to consult with him.
After consulting together they told me that if she did recover she would
be part paralyzed but she never recovered and died next morning at 15
past 6. It was a terrible blow to me and I ill at the time myself. I thought I should never have got over it. The Doctor fully expected to see me laid up. I could not comprehend it, her dying so quickly and her & I
being together all our lives. The last 5 years especially was the most
pleasant time we had during our lives as we had a fine house to live in
in a nice locality and enjoyed the home better than anything we had
I thank your Mother Tom John Mary & Willie for their sympathy
with me in my great distress. I sent you papers about the funeral which
I supposed you received.
I am now beginning to get over the feeling of distress a little but dont
expect ever to be the same again as I am getting advanced in years.

I remain
Your affectionate Uncle
William Reynolds