Title: | Hogan, Michael to Hogan, Mathew, 1853 |
ID | 4268 |
Collection | Oceans of Consolation [D. Fitzpatrick] |
File | oceans/30 |
Year | 1853 |
Sender | Hogan, Michael |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | ex-convict, servant |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | Melbourne, Australia |
Destination | Cappagh White, Co. Tipperary, Ireland |
Recipient | Hogan, Mathew |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | brothers |
Source | |
Archive | |
Doc. No. | |
Date | |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | |
Log | unknown |
Word Count | 621 |
Genre | news, work |
Note | |
Transcript | Melbourne December 8th. 1853 Dr. Brother I Avail meself of the opportunity of writing you those few lines in Receipt of your letter Dated June 2nd. 53 for which I am very happy to hear that you your W [wife] and Children & me Mother is in good health as this leaves me me Wife & Children Thanks be to God for it. Dr. Brother you accuse me of Being very ungreatfull To you not Sending you any remittance. Not knowing you P. Prst [parish priest’s] Name I wrote to you before Margret Calihan came to Victoriaa wishing to know who I might remit you some money through. But I am told to Direct to yourself you Being as well knowing and in as good Oppolense [opulence] as many in the Parish of Cappawhite. I send you £30.0.0 thirty Pounds as a Token of gratitude and I would have sent you More But hearing of your welfare you keeping a Public house in the old Place. But I hope as soon as Opportunity offers you will come to me for it would Be the greatest Pleasure of mind for me to have you in this Cuntry with me as I know you could do well even by your trade. Me brother James acted very unkind when he was leaving Ireland in not coming here as he knew where I was. But I am very thankfull to you in Stoping with My Mother in her old age. I have never herd of John Dwyer until I Reseived your letter. But through enquiry i found that he is in Morton Bay a long way above Sidney A Place very Difficult for Me to Send for him as he has never written to me and there are no People there i know. He has never written to me But I hope i will be able make off his address. Phillip White I herd of one Day Pr [prior] to me writing this note. He is at the Bendtgo Diggings the Mounted Police. I was Speaking to Jermiah Ryan Richards Son he is gone to the Diggings in very good health. I saw James Ryans Nailor two Daughters they a[re] in Melbourne in very good health and in good Situation. This is a good Place for young men and Weoman now. Wages rules as follows. Single Men £60. to 70 per annum or per Day 12. to 15 Shilling. Single weoman 26 to 35 Pounds with rations of the Best. Married Couples with family 60 to 80 Pounds. Michael Ryans Boam son holyford is living near me in good health and Doing very well. I wonder you never let me know how John Mc.Grath was. His friends Thos Ryan Bulloghs are very Independant here in Melbourne. I am very sorry to hear that young Patt Kilbride was not getting on as well as the father or uncle. I am very happy to hear that Richard Penfeather is Back Again and Doing well in Cappagh. Dear Brother I am Sorry to Inform you that I Buried the two oldest of my children Mathew and Margret Hogan. Mathew was eight years & Margret Six years old. May god be with Them. I have four Children remaining by name Michael, Ellon, Mary & James Hogan. Dr. Brother I am sending you Enclosed in this note a Draft for £30 Thirty Pounds and in case of any Delay I will write to you By next Mail. Please answer this as quick as Possible and Direct your letter to me Michael Hogan N. S. Wales Victoria South Melbourne. No more at Present from your ever Affectionate and loving Brother Michael Hogan Mr. Mathew Hogan Cooper Cappa White County Tipperary Ireland |