Title: | Thompson, Richard to Hammond, Joseph, 1843 |
ID | 4320 |
Collection | Oceans of Consolation [D. Fitzpatrick] |
File | oceans/82 |
Year | 1843 |
Sender | Thompson, Richard |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | unknown |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | Drumgor, Co. Armagh, Northern Ireland |
Destination | Melbourne, Victoria, Australia |
Recipient | Hammond, Joseph |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | brothers-in-law |
Source | |
Archive | |
Doc. No. | |
Date | |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | |
Log | unknown |
Word Count | 570 |
Genre | news |
Note | |
Transcript | Drumgor Aprile 30th 1843 Dear Joseph and Helenah Hammond I have now set down to write these few Lines to you to let you know that we are all in good Helth at present thank god for it—hoping this will find you Both in the same. I answered your Letter in 1841 and got no account—and wee are uneasy to now how you are getting along whether ded or alive and I request you to answer this as soon as possible and Let us now the Rates of your country in Every Line and concerning what imploy you are at—for the weaving never was as Bad as at present here. I am weaving for Warrings town at present handkerchief. In the Letter I sent you I stated that Helenah Wetherhead and man Sailed for Sidny, and your grand father Bicket is ded and Tomas Bicket is ded, and Edward Boyd is well wife and famly and has a younge daughter Helenah is hir name. Edward Boyd requests of you to let him know concerning Henry Harison how he is and his grand father is ded, and I took your Letters to uncle William Bicket and the are all well at present and the had a younge son Born and the called[?] him Joseph after you. Your Brother John sends his kind love to you to Let you know he is well and wife and famly and John and William is his 2 sons. He and his Mother answered there Letters Likewise and got no Answer which makes them think Long to know concerning you Both. Your father and mother is well at present and your i sisters Likewise. Young Gorge Miller is ded and never recovered after you went away. The Blamed carying the planks out of porradown for Bringing on his death. Isaack Hall and famly is well at present. I wish to Let you know that Sarah ann Stephcnson and Joseph Williamson is maried and had a Large weding 20 Couple And is in america, and Aunt Betty Thompson and famly is well and Also Dynes Gilpen and famly is well and all your inquiring friends and acquaintance is well and when you write mak mention all the Neibours and acquaintance. As soon as this comes to hand [?I hope] you ont delay in answering this in all the Satisfaction you can concerning cultivation and every thing Else and I will send you all the news I can again for [? I am at] a short for time to give you satisfaction [?for what h]appened Since you went away as I was getting this sent By hand through the acquaintance of Thomas Lawsons wife. Deer daughter Helenah your mother is thinking Long About you to hear about you. I wish to Let you kno[w] concerning the rates of Vitling [?victualling] here at present Potatoes 8d p cwt Wheat from 8s to 10s cwt Oats—4s cwt Mail [meal] from 9s = 4d to 10s do. Pork—£1-10s cwt cows from £2=10s to £5. No more at present But Remains your Kind friends to death also Richard Thomson and John Hammond Edward Boyd all present at the writing of this. I am dry for a smok. I must conclude. Write as soon as possible. Wee are all thinking Longe. To Joseph Hammond of Melbourne port Philip Australia. He came By the Ship Neptune New South Wails. |