Title: | Herron, Isaac to McKee, Joseph, 1865 |
ID | 4329 |
Collection | Oceans of Consolation [D. Fitzpatrick] |
File | oceans/91 |
Year | 1865 |
Sender | Herron, Isaac |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | weaver |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | Co. Down, Northern Ireland |
Destination | Victoria, Australia |
Recipient | McKee, Joseph |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | brothers-in-law |
Source | |
Archive | |
Doc. No. | |
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Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | |
Log | unknown |
Word Count | 642 |
Genre | trade, family |
Note | |
Transcript | Moira 13th Augt 1865 Dear sir I got your Kind letter some time on or about the 20 of May. We were glad to hear of you all being in good health. We are all in very good health thanks be to God. Trade is greatily improved in this country this season. The Cotton trade is better at this time than ever it was in my day of weaving and for the Cambrick I suppose you Know all about it from other letters. It could not be plentier and wages is pretty good. There is 11s for a 900 of Macouns and a good many other houses is paying more. You seem to think that the country would not answer me and I think you are right. I have lost all notion of going now. Your father in law was telling me that he intended to send You all word to come home if you could get so I suppose if you live and me lives we will meet in Ireland yet. You tell me that if my Brother was able to send for me that he would not get lave. Now I feel rather inclined to dispute that with You. I have got three letters from them since you left this country and there was a half soverin in each one of them. Now I think anyone that would do that would do more if the could. There was for 15 months after you landed in that country that I never got a single line from my brother owing to missrepresentations—for you could not be but certain sure that I was very well to do after the way that I Commenced to Keep house and the wretched state of trade and a continual heavy rent pressing one for a number of years. But I have nothing more to say on the subject. I think I Know my brother [better] than to believe that he is any more henpicked than a nother tho there is very few altogether free. Several people has been telling me that the believe that my brother is not doing well. There is no part of my brothers affairs any secret to me—and I think that he is better than what he would have been in this country. My brother is no bost [boaster] and if he had a thousand pounds he would tell the people nothing about it and if he was in misery it would not be to every one that he would tell it either. If any such information comes to the country thro you I hope for the future you will not trouble the subject. I think you must have some ill feeling towards my brother Now. You wrote your first letter 3 months after you landed and you said that when you landed in Melbourne that you wrote to my brother and that he sent for you to come to his house and that you were still there and that the had been very Kind to you and had assisted you to get work. Now if all this was true why an ill feeling. I dont write this to offend you. I wish to offend no one. I was glad to see your letter and will correspond with you with pleasure if You wish. I can tell you nothing about Your father in Laws people. The call very seldom here. I dont Know any cause for it except they think the are got too high in the worl for that. Nathaniel Hinds and family is in white Heaven [Whitehaven, Cumberland] this year past at the Iron mines. He has a pound per week and is doing pretty well. I have nothing more to say. I hope this will find you all well. I remain greatefully Yours I.Herron I am weaving Cotton. |