Title: | McMahon Glynn, Patrick to McMahon Glynn, John, 1875 |
ID | 4353 |
Collection | Patrick McMahon Glynn: Letters to his family (1874-1927) [Gerald Glynn O'Collins] |
File | glynn/3 |
Year | 1875 |
Sender | McMahon Glynn, Patrick |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | student |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | Dublin, Ireland |
Destination | Gort, Co. Galway, Ireland |
Recipient | McMahon Glynn, John |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | son-father |
Source | |
Archive | |
Doc. No. | |
Date | |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | |
Log | unknown |
Word Count | 165 |
Genre | university, payments |
Note | |
Transcript | [? "Memorial" to his father. Dublin. July 1875. Partly lost.] . . . his standing and education. What is meant by "the Preliminary in College does for the King's Inns" is that those who have passed the entrance or preliminary examination in College need not pass the preliminary or entrance examination of the King's Inns, which latter examination is held in November and must be passed by all others before admission to study for the bar. After several other fruitless applications I wrote finally last night to the Midland Railway asking them to settle the factor's account for repairing the Velocepede at once, or I would pay it myself and then put them to expense of proceedings for its recovery against them. I cannot compel the Co. to pay it, but can only, on being threatened proceedings against me by the Owner, pay the account myself and then recover it from the company. I remain Your affectionate Son Patk. McM. Glynn. John M. Glynn, Esq. |