Title: | McMahon Glynn, Patrick to Glynn, James P., 1884 |
ID | 4382 |
Collection | Patrick McMahon Glynn: Letters to his family (1874-1927) [Gerald Glynn O'Collins] |
File | glynn/32 |
Year | 1884 |
Sender | McMahon Glynn, Patrick |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | lawyer |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | Kapunda, South Australia, Australia |
Destination | Gort, Co. Galway, Ireland |
Recipient | Glynn, James P. |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | siblings |
Source | |
Archive | |
Doc. No. | |
Date | |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | |
Log | unknown |
Word Count | 2448 |
Genre | journalism, literature, work, acquaintances, politics |
Note | |
Transcript | Kapunda S.A. October 20th 1884 My dear James Let me, before going into matters personal to myself, congratulate you on the success of your perseverance in attempt, to get regularly connected with the Press. The sketch, "Out and About", is written in the easy and taking style that should recommend itself to the travelling and sporting class. Everything one writes gives a better idea of one's peculiar aptitudes, which, when fairly discovered, should be followed up in the spirit of Carlyle's advice: "Whatever your right hand finds to do, do it with all your might." The best tutors for anyone are the great dead; and, in this connection, when you have at anytime the opportunity, I would advise you to read Ruskin's Lecture called "Kings' Treasuries" which appears in his work entitled Sesame and the Lilies. Ruskin is one of the purest and most earnest souls of our time; and, though some of his teachings from an economic point of view seem to me impracticable, there is a great wealth of moral food to be got from them. His works, for reasons well given by himself, are very dear — the one referred to is now republished at 22/6. But he shapes his thoughts in the most deliriously fascinating eloquence. You may not know much about Ruskin, so, as he came into my mind, I thought it might be useful to you to have your attention directed to him. Well, since my last letter home, I have been out and about myself. You know already that here in Kapunda we have started now some 6 months a society having for its object the nationalization of the land of the Colony. A Mr. Liston & myself are the chief movers in it, and the Manifesto, 15,000 copies of which have up to the present been published, was my composition. The three or four pages containing the details of the scheme were thought out principally by Liston, and amended by me; the rest exclusively by me upon whom devolved the writing of the whole. I send you a few copies of the second edition, also our latest pamphlet, The Lay Sermon. Webster is an English journalist of great ability in matters of principle in politics, wide culture, sound knowledge of Art, and a great enthusiast on the Subject of Land Tenure Reform. He is at present in Melbourne, and communicates regularly with Liston and myself. He is a personal and very intimate friend of Henry George, to whom he sends the Kap. Herald and our publications. The Press, from old bias, has only evasively noticed the Manifesto here, but already many of the public have been converted, so that the work before us is progressing. Webster is generous in his approval and has written several kindly expressions of opinion. In the first he says: "It is hard for me to restrain the expression of my feeling in regard to the able and noble service you have done in the Manifesto and by the speeches you are now delivering" etc. etc. This leads me to another matter. Several towns invited me to deliver lectures on the subject of Land Nationalization. I commenced at Gawler, a report of which has doubtless reached you by this. The critics were kind, and, as it may please those at home, I extract a few lines from a journal opposed to our views. The Bunyip says: Up to Wednesday evening last our only knowledge of the purposes of the Society was gained thro' the press, but on that evening Gawler was honored by the presence of one of the Vice-presidents, Mr. P. MoM. Glynn B.A., L.L.B., who has been amongst us and from his lips we have heard something of the matter. We believe all who have listened to his utterances will join with us in thinking that it would be difficult to find a gentleman better qualified for the task he has undertaken. He has a good presence and voice, a choice flow of language, and is able to put his views before his auditors in logical sequence. On the following week I lectured in the North at three places on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and then came back. Last Tuesday, by invitation, I speak at a place near here to a very Irish audience of farmers. From this you will see what we have been at. Liston is a splendid fellow — able, enthusiastic, and honest — in the full latin sense of the word —-to a nicety. He is about 43 or 44, married, with four or five young daughters. His partners have grumbled a good deal, fearing loss of business (auctioneers — a big business here in Stock, guaranteeing etc.), but Liston believes duty points the way, and thither he goes. At his request I took to the platform, because there is no use irritating the firm too much, but he is a very able speaker. He is, in fact, a splendidly honest fellow— by the riff raff pocket worshippers, of course, considered a foolish dreamer. You have not, I think, a just estimate of Michael Davitt. The more I know of him the more I admire the man. He has the great and exceptional quality of earnestness. What can be finer than his language in a letter extracted into the Herald article on "The Land Question in Ireland", Oct. 14th '82. If I have not sent you the paper, my mother will lend it to you. By the way, you might ask them in Gort to file the K. H., lest my file should be burnt or lost. You ought to read George's Progress & Poverty & Social Problems, which will give you a clear knowledge of our drift. Webster tells me that George is engaged on [a] new edition of Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations, and is publishing a work on American protection. The prevailing depression has given rise to an agitation for Protection here, though it has proved the greatest curse of our next door neighbour Victoria. I have written on the subject in today's Herald, which I send you. My hopes of this country are not much. It is dry, very dry, though the soil is excellent. When the rain fails at the proper season, the wheat yield is small, and for another twelve months industry all round is paralysed. In conjunction with this must be taken the fact that the price of wheat — our staple product — is going downwards below its present abnormally low figure. The farmers only scrape & exhaust the soil; in time, with a better system of agriculture, and a denser population which will bring about irrigation, everything will be different. They don't reap wheat in South Australia; they have a machine which clips the ears off when dry, the straw being left standing and afterwards burnt. The machine is called the South Australian Wheat Stripper — only workable in a very dry climate, and the invention of S.A. On the 16th of this month I was 4 years here. When we parted at Euston, neither of us probably thought much of what were to be the subsequent facts, so seldom do conjectures come right. You are now very likely as certain to remain at home as I am to remain here — not from real preference, but people never make allowance for the decadence of old and the birth of new associations. A fellow in revisiting old places after a lapse of years finds old faces and ways gone; if he remains he has really to begin a new life, and, perhaps, someone has somewhere grown dear in the interval. The fact of it is, when a fellow gets near thirty, he changes considerably — that is, if he has anything in the way of heart in him. Hazlitt somewhere says that everything he had enumerated might have made him happy, but there was one great want. She was not there. The pathetic side of life comes on sooner or latter — not for all, as four fifths have not the capacity to feel it — & then the great yearning for some one to share the feeling of it, or, better, shake it off begins. It is Ruskin who says that "no man ever lived a right life who had not been chastened by a woman's love, strengthened by her courage, and guided by her discretion." Listen to what he says of home — This is the true nature of home — it is the place of peace, the shelter not only from all injury, but from all terror, doubt and division. In so far as it is not this, it is not home; so far as the anxieties of the outer life penetrate into it, and the inconsistently minded, unknown, unloved, or hostile society of the outer world is allowed by either husband or wife to cross the threshold, it ceases to be home; it is then only a part of the outer world which you have roofed over, and lighted fire in. But so far as it is a sacred place, a vestal temple, a temple of the hearth watched over by Household Gods, before whose faces none may come but those whom they can receive with love — so far as it is this, and roof and fire are types only of a nobler shade and light — shade as of the rock in the weary land, and light as of Pharos in the stormy sea; so far it vindicates the name and fulfils the praise of Home. And wherever a true wife comes, this home is always round her. The stars only may be over her head; the glow worm in the night cold grass may be the only fire at her foot, but home is yet wherever she is; and for a noble woman it stretches far round her, better than ceiled with cedar, or painted with vermillion, shedding its quiet light far, for those who else were homeless. Dr. Pentiand has just delivered my complement of some photos from our Lawn Tennis Club, one of which I send you for my mother. The last fellow to the right as you look at it is Lees, Dublin fellow, next Prorating, Tasmanian, next with the tall hat Jenkin Coles, one of the Ministry, Commissioner of Crown Lands. The fellow between Propsting and Coles is, I believe, myself, though when I first saw it I thought it was you. The second last girl on the left hand side is Miss Maggie Disher, one of the best — if not the best little girl of the lot. In the centre, with the racket crosswise on her right shoulder, is Miss Aggie Fotheringham, considered very pretty or handsome. Both are only occasional visitors here, so that the group does not altogether consist of our tennis players. If I don't mention the others, of course, you will put it down to want of space. I have marked this photo (a), as, before the mail leaves, perhaps I might get some of the other groups. If I do, send one to Elizabeth. I don't know whether you are tired yet, but I measure your taste for long letters by mine for those that come from home. Besides, you might send the whole or such part as you think fit to Gort, to save me the trouble of writing another, which at present I cannot easily do. It is a considerable time, if I remember aright, since I heard from Gort; so that the next letter should contain a more than usual amount of news. Fanny McDonald has not written to me for an unusually long time. She took Robert's daughter, Cecilia, to live with her, and probably by this time finds that the step has involved her in some trouble. Fanny expects so much in the way of order and reciprocal affection, and consequently is often disappointed. Lizzy Wallsh has an idea that I & Johnny Wallsh are going to Sydney at Xmas, which is impossible. Lizzy seems to have a nice family — minus the husband. From what I have heard of him, he seems to be a good for nothing drunkard. The best fellows in this life often can not get married — the worst do whether they can or not. I have not heard for something like 11/2 years of McLoughlin. He was at one time fourteen miles from here — working as a day laborer — but since I sent him a suit of clothes, the past swallowed him altogether. I would like to know what has become of him. I don't think he has anticipated Nature. It is now time for me to finish, so with remembrances to all friends, I am Your affect, brother P. McM. Glynn P.S. 24th Oct. Having delayed despatching the above till the last moment, I am able to acknowledge the receipt of my mother's letter of 17th Sept which just arrived. Congratulate on my behalf Johnny & Marian as well as Elizabeth & Tom for having increased the trunk and branches of our stock. I forgot, also, to express my pleasure at Eugene's success in passing his first medical examination, and tell him that I feel sure he will follow on in the same hopeful line, now that he has raised himself a little. Johnny might remember me to Blaquiere. I hope he won't have much opposition in the legal line in Gort, as it is hard on a fellow not to get a decent chance of living before the best years of his life have passed. Joe and Bob should remember me to my old friends of the French College. I find I have written a good deal outside my own paper in defence & exposition of our L. N. programme & principles, but have not sent the copies home. The second edition of our Manifesto has not arrived yet, so I send you a couple of copies of the first. We are now upon the threshold of summer, which does not mean joy here — rather the opposite. I have begun to get up at 6 a.m. now, to have some tennis before breakfast. Winter is the pleasantest time here — the Quadrille parties & dances are then in full swing, and the Australians are, most of them, capital dancers. I occasionally get invited to Adelaide dances — held in Town Halls & — where to the music of Piano, cornet, violin & flute — some excellent work is done. These are breaks in the gloom, which do not come with summer. But I find I have only got half done with a troublesome subject and the printers are waiting for more slips, so I must say farewell for the present. P. McM. G. |