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Title: Beale, Joseph Sr to Beale, Margaret, 1853
CollectionThe Earth between them: Joseph Beale's letters home to Ireland from Victoria (1852-1853) [E.Beale]
SenderBeale, Joseph Sr
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationclerk
Sender Religionunknown
OriginMelbourne, Victoria, Australia
DestinationMountmellick, Co. Laois, Ireland
RecipientBeale, Margaret
Recipient Genderfemale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count832
Genrenew job, prospects, acquaintances, correspondence, wave of emigrants, price of houses
TranscriptMelbourne 7 mo: 3rd 1853.

Since I last wrote my dearest love, I am without any letters
from home. I now send thee £20 bill first of exch[ang]e and
the last of the former lot. Our plans of getting on here have
quite changed since I last wrote. Gov't parted [disbanded] most
of the workmen on the roads, our horses, and we then gave up
the store and came to work the horses here, but we found our
horses not sufficiently strong for town work, and to procure first
rate draft horses would cost £120 for each horse, as they are
now very dear, we therefore sold the horses. I got a situation
from Wm. Locke as bookkeeper at £250 pr. ann: and I expect
it will be £800 when I get all written up to his mind. He gave
Joseph an easy post at £150 a year to commence with. I hope
to get Francis a job also. J's Kennedy is with another party at
£1 pr week with board and lodging. We shall work on during
the winter months as we are, and if we see anything to pay
better in spring, Jos'h Frs and J's Ken'y can do so but I intend
keeping my present place as long as I can. If the books were
written up, I should not have much to do, but they are more
than 8 mo's in arrear, and unfortunately a young man who has
been in the office before me and who was to assist me, is in typhus
fever. It is pleasant to have the boys comfortably lodged
and fed, and in respectable society. We pay each 30/- pr week Tor board and lodging with Wm. Robinson. Harry Fisher is
here doing nothing, and so is Edw'd Eben[eze]r Barrington—I
found I could not bear the cold of a tent during the frosty
nights, without any fire, it would have cost me my life. My
face, hands and feet swelled and I could not for two days after
I came here get warmed. Now I am perfectly well and I think
more robust than when I left home—but I am almost always
thinking of you left behind me, the separation is very trying.
If thy father would sell the interest in the mill and give thee
the amount you might all come out here, for we can if spared
support you in comfort.
A great number of young men come here of the learned professions
and they can do no good, a good accountant is worth
three scholars of Trinity College, Dublin.
Francis says "my mother don't mention the children in her
letters, I should like very much to hear all particulars about
them."—I expect thou wilt receive my last letters in ab't 3
weeks from this time. I don't know what vessel takes this, nor
when she sails. I write this while the boys and Wm. R. are at
meeting, the streets are so deep in mud (over one's shoes) that
I staid at home to write to thee, as I have not time during the
week—I shall anxiously await the arrival of thy next, which I
hope will be a reply to mine pr. "Great Britain". That by the
"Sarah Sands" thou wouldst receive about 1st of 5 month I
expect. This colony is now getting overstocked with people as
the Gov't keeps the lands "locked up", and no one can get a
farm unless at im enormous price—land in Melbourne for
building sells in some places as high as £100 to £120 a foot!
for frontage, by about 80 to 90 feet in depth. If the cottage
that Jno Glennon lived in at Barkmill was here, within a mile
of town it would let for £300 a year! Timber here is just 10
times as dear as in England—I think there will be a great
change before many years.
Well my dearest treasure farewell. Kiss all my children for
me and believe me to be with the warmest affection
thy ever attached and loving husband
Joseph Beale.

My dear love lo sister M. Pim, Thomas and all their flock.
3rd day 7 mo. 5th—Since I wrote the annex'd, I had a chat with
Wm Locke, he kindly said he would assist me in business if I saw an opportunity, but he expects me to keep to him. I know
he has enabled two of my fellow clerks to build houses for themselves,
and I think he would do more for me. He asked me
today to examine a purchase of wool which the firm made, and
in this way I think 1 can be very useful to them, at least I trust
I shall, as I will give my entire assistance to them. Oh my love
come here if at all in thy power, and I believe we shall end our
days without the anxiety we have endured at home—ever thine