Title: | Bros Anderson, to William Anderson, Lisnamuck, Coleraine |
ID | 45 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Anderson, David/22 |
Year | 1841 |
Sender | Anderson Bros. |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | farmers |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | USA |
Destination | Co. Derry, N. Ireland |
Recipient | Anderson, William |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | brothers |
Source | D1859/4: Presented by Dr. J. T. Anderson, 16 Ashley Gds., Banbridge, Co Down |
Archive | The Public Record Office, N. Ireland |
Doc. No. | 800157 |
Date | 12/10/1841 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | EMG |
Log | Document added by LT, 10:08:00. |
Word Count | 122 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | Dear Brother we are all quite well here and has plenty to eate [eat?] and to drink but we ern [earn?] our bredd [bread?] by the sweat of our brow by reason of begining [beginning?] on a new farm but we expect after we get our farms cleared we can live easy we sold 12 hundred bushels of ashes this sumer [summer?] at at (sic) five cents per bushel which amounted to sixty dollars you may expect the timber stands pretty thick on our land when we can [make?] that many ashes in one summer we send our love to you and sister Eliza and children no more at present but remains your affectionate Brothers to death John Robert Joseph David Anderson Addressed For William Anderson, Lisnamuck Care of Mr John Hunter Greenfield Parish Aughadoey [Aghadowey?] Co Derry Coleraine Ireland from America from America (sic) Sept 17 Stamped New York Sep 20 Stamped Coleraine Oc 12 1841 |