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Title: Stewart, Frances to Wilson, Mary, 1861
CollectionRevisiting Our Forest Home, The immigrant letters of Frances Stewart [J. L. Aoki]
SenderStewart, Frances
Sender Genderfemale
Sender Occupationhousewife
Sender Religionunknown
OriginDouro Township, Newcsatle District, Upper Canada
RecipientWilson, Mary
Recipient Genderfemale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count732
Genrenews, family
Transcript1861: June 15
To Mary [Wilson], Ireland

Douro, 15th June 1861

My very dear Mary

I have been some time past intending to write to you but always some
hindrance came in my way. I think my last letter to you was written in
March soon after poor Maria Reids release and I have never heard from you since so I don't know if you have received that letter but I am sure
you heard most of the details it contained from my sister as I told her to
let you know in case I might not be able to write myself. I little thought
then that in my next letter I should have another death to mention! One
least to be expected indeed according to our own limited knowledge of
what is to come. "It is well" we do not for how wretched we should be
anticipating every sorrow.... Perhaps you have already heard that by the
unsearchable but no doubt wise & merciful Will of the Lord our dear
Edward has been removed from this life to a joyful & glorious Eternity,
I may say in the prime of life with all appearance of health and life till
the attack came on which was caused by taking cold but it became an
extreme case of inflammation of the lungs which reduced his strength
with the most extraordinary rapidity and in a fortnight & two days terminated his valuable existence amongst us. Oh you can't think how we
feel his loss. He was so truly excellent in every way as a father, a husband, a son (which he was to me even before his marriage) for indeed I loved him as a son & he returned it.
From early in his illness he gave up hopes of recovery before we came
to believe there was really danger & before our Dr. could see any decided
danger, but he himself said, "I shall not be long with you." He seemed to
be completely loosened from this life for he seemed to take no interest in
anything that was going on but said frequently he rested on his Saviour &
his Hope was in Christ. He had so much difficulty in speaking that he said
but little but when asked any question he always gave a clear & satisfactory answer. He had several conversations with Mr. Rogers our Minister who often visited him, which he always enjoyed & looked for eagerly. All this is our greatest consolation. 1 am happy to say dear Bessie is wonderfully supported for which we are most thankful & she has a kind & most faithful & judicious friend in her brother in law Robert Brown who assists her in the management of the farm & her four fine boys who have
a good guardian & an excellent example in their good Uncle Robert. May
the Lord direct all for their happiness & safety in their journey through
this life & their security of peace & joy in that which is to come.
I think Charlotte has written to you lately so you have probably
heard of us before from her. Oh what a fortunate man my dear Charlie is. What a prize he has gained! Dear Charlotte is a treasure to us all & is
making herself loved and valued by all who know her. She has a Sunday
school in her own hall every Sabbath afternoon and a prayer meeting
every Thursday evening &she goes about amongst the people visiting
them & reading to them & trying to improve them. I have not yet been
able to join in the meetings but hope (DV) to do so soon. She is now
trying to have a Church established in their own neighbourhood with a
good Missionary appointed but the funds must be raised to enable the
church to be built or the Missionary to be supported & for this purpose
they are trying to raise subscriptions & have given me some papers to
send home so I send you one in case you may meet with some person
who may help us.
Now my own darling Mary my paper & time are both used up so I
must only request my love to dear Emily, 1 & 2 & all my other dear cousins
& friends. I am as Ever Your affect'ly attached old Coz,
Fanny Stewart