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Title: Forsythe, John Sr to Forsythe, John Jr, 1788
CollectionJohn Forsythe Letters
SenderForsythe, John Sr
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationunknown
Sender Religionunknown
OriginArtikelly,Co. Londonderry, Northern Ireland
DestinationBirmingham Township, Co. Chester, Penn, USA
RecipientForsythe, John Jr
Recipient Gendermale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count418
Genredecease, family, schooling, keeping the Sabbath
Jack) Artikelly 25th Jaune 1788

With greef I must Let you know that your Dr. Mother have Departed
this life the 19th:June by aling-gren Disorder of six months and som better
Shee had her sences to the last and Died in hope I wrote to you som week
agoe by aship from Derry I hope you have got my Letter before now as
for my helth it is now worse only I am in trobel with the rest of my Children and frends you sent me a resept for the Coff and shortness of breath but I cannot find the Earb Spiknerd in this place therefore if it be in your part of the Countrey let me have it the first save hand your brothers & Sisters are well with the rest of their-familes your other kindred are all well save your ant Cox that Died some monts since I sopose you heard of your Grandmother Cox's Death before Your Brother Willm is out of his aprentesship and is at scool Learning to write & figuer before, he goes some where or other I am in trobel that I cannot send him to Edenborrow Collage to studey phisick for som time Let me have your advice Consirning him the first Opertunity Dr Jack I see that life is unsertan and Death is sure therefore it becomes me to consider my letter end but I must
say with the apostel paul that there is aware in my membrs striving to
Lead into sin but I trust in my Savour for the Victory Dr Jack ther is a
great Dale of your prince-pals I like well & som not so well I will pount
them out you Do not put any weight upon the Sabath Day for one the
Lords Super for annother and as for som others they are not so meterial
in my Opinuan that is baptizam and som other other things Dr Jack I
think Scripture & Reason tells me I oght to keep the Sabath Day and the
Lords Super to be astanding memoriale for he says if we Eate & drink it
unworthely we Eate & Drink Judgment to our selve he Desires us to
Exemen our seles Leas Coming unworthely not Deserning the Lords Bodey
and so forth no mere at present But gave me lave to subscribe my self
your Loving and afectinate
whilst Father John Forsythe

Addressed To John Forsythe Birmingham Township Chester County Care of Thomas Rodgers Stawburry Ally Philadelphia