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Title: Cox, John to Forsythe, John Jr, 1799
CollectionJohn Forsythe Letters
SenderCox, John
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationunknown
Sender Religionunknown
OriginOxmead, New Jersey, USA?
DestinationWesttown, Co. Chester, Penn., USA
RecipientForsythe, John Jr
Recipient Gendermale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count951
Genrebuilding a house, enquiries and information about acquaintances, planting trees
TranscriptOxmead, 10th mo: 6, 1799

Dear Friend
A neighbour of mine, Joseph Vanlaw, intending in a day or two, to
take his daughter to West-Town, I am not easy to omit, embracing an
oppy. so favourable, of giving thee this token of my affectionate remembrance: for thou art frequently the companion of my cogitations, with
desires that thou may not faint, in the path of thy toilsome occupation.
I fail'd in my attempt to join the Committee, in their deliberations sit
Darby, the 20th. of last month; tho' several important matters call'd for
some result; yet, as so few Friends met, by reason of the extreme heavy
rain several of them remain for future discussion; one of the most important, however, in my view, and which, I have reason to conclude, also
appear'd so to them, was that of erecting a suitable dwelling, for the accommodation of thy Family: - not on the ground contemplated when I was
there, but on the South-East side of the new Lane, a situation which,
doubtless, will be generally preferr'd, for divers good reasons which might
he mentd and I was much pleas’d to hear that the said Edifice is to commence, without delay. At best, in this probationary scene, we are but as
"prisoners of hope": and I have been pleasing myself with the hope of
seeing thee and thy little Household agreeably fixed, and, perhaps, in its
proper season, enjoying, with you, the beautiful south-east prospect from
the rural slope of your Garden, while, from the opposite direction, the
odour of the Orchard, in all the bloom and gaiety of Spring, is wafted in
the breeze. If I was to indulge the po(worn off) it would perhaps(admitting
the possibility almost open in me a vein of Poetry, but this I leave to
one of the little juniors for a future exercise, and, in sober prose, proceed to enquire what is become of A. Wilson. Is he in better Health, than when I left you? I have heard of Enoch Lewis having enroll'd himself
among the Honourables, in the character of a Mathematician: but is any
one come, or expected, with a view to relieve A. W.? I know how steadily
thy time is occupied, and desire not to oppress thee: but I do crave a
few lines, by the return of Joseph Vanlaw, in answer to the foregoing
Queries; also (while thy hand is in) let me know how thy own health is:—
whether thou hast increas'd in Wisdom, so as to avoid being anxious over-much; for this, I apprehend, as well as being "Righteous over much",
may tend to waste and destroy the springs of life faster than is really expedient. I wish the expression of my love to thy Wife, and to her ancient
Mother;—to James mid John, and to little Hannah, I hope her improvement
is, and will continue to be, adequate to the advantages she is favour'd
with: if this is her care, the Fruits of a pious education will he savoury in advancing Life. R. & C.H, were expected to pass thro' Burlington, on
their way home; but not having been there, we suppose they have not returned. I lately heard they have been detained at Railway on account
of Catharine's Aunt Greenleaf, who is not expected to survive her present
illness—Alex may be informed that Saml Emlen (who has been at his
Son's in this Neighbourhood, since the Fever has been in Philadal is in a
more faltering state of Body than usual; has had several attacks, winch
indicated a speedy removal, attended with great weakness, & sometimes
fainting: then, again, he revives, gets out three Miles to Meeting; and
has, within the past week or two rode out, almost daily: he is however,
in a situation so critical, that it's not very likely he will return again to the City this Winter. Before the ushering in of that shivering season, which I dread as much as any African (at least I think so) I want to take another view of your Sheep-fold: but as certain obstacles rise in opposition to the execution of such a plan, I dare not be sanguine about it—I am particularly desirous that my wife shall be my companion in the next visit; but it is not to be understood that she is on the side of the Opposition. Please to tell Philip Price that I am waiting his directions, respecting the number and kinds of Fruit Trees I am to procure on this side the Delaware—As they should be planted the last week in this Month, or the first week in next, it is time to engage them—By that time, there is ground to hope that a Waggon from the Farm might be sent to Philada with safety. When thou sees Eli Yarnall, remember me affectionately to him, and let him
know that I have not forgot, his offer to expend a half Yoe p Annum,
towards keeping a Poney at West-Town, for his and thy affect: Friend

John Cox jun.

I do not know any one more likely to be gratified with the beautiful
order of your dear little Folks, than this Joseph Vanlaw, nor one, in any
station, who has the religions Education of Children more at heart - He
came among us by convincement has, I believe at least, five children, and
is but a Tenant on an indifferent Farm, for which he pays £100 a year
Rent.—Vet this is the Institution that the Sanballats have tried to defame,
as being only intended, or only fit for the Education of the Offspring of
the Wealthy.

John Forsythe
c-o Joseph Vanlaw