Title: | Cunningham, Waddell to Weare, George & William, 1756 |
ID | 5252 |
Collection | Letterbook of Greg & Cunningham, 1756-1757 [T. Truxes] |
File | gc/9 |
Year | 1756 |
Sender | Cunningham, Waddell |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | merchant |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | NYC, USA |
Destination | Bristol, England |
Recipient | Weare, George & William |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | business |
Source | |
Archive | |
Doc. No. | |
Date | |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | |
Log | unknown |
Word Count | 115 |
Genre | business |
Note | |
Transcript | To George & William Weare, Bristol 10 May 1756 Gentlemen: Above you have Sales of a Box of goods I received from Captain John Nealson to sell for your account. Proceeds [of] £105.18.0 is to your credit. It was with great Dificulty I could obtain the price they are sold at, tho its so poor an advance as they were out of the way articles. I would be glad to know how you would Have the proceeds remitted when I come in Cash. I am in Partnership with Mr. Thomas Greg from the 1st Instant & shall always observe your commands with A strict regard to your Interest. Our Firm is below. WC per 2d & 3d Packet & Capt. McCullum |