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Title: John Anderson, Champion to His Brother, Lisnamuck, Ireland
CollectionIrish Emigration Database
FileAnderson, John/13(2)
SenderAnderson, John
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationfarmer
Sender Religionunknown
OriginChampion, USA
DestinationCo. Derry, N. Ireland
RecipientAnderson, William
Recipient Gendermale
SourceD 1859/6: Presentd by Dr. J. T. Anderson, 16 Ashley Gardens, Banbridge, County Down, Ireland.
ArchiveThe Public Record Office, Northern Ireland.
Doc. No.9403205
Partial Date
Doc. TypeEMG
LogDocument added by LT, 18:03:1994.
Word Count752
TranscriptChampion Champion October the 8th 1843

Dear Brother I take the oppertunity [opportunity?] of writeing [writing?]
a few lines to you informing you that we are all
in good health at present thank god for his mercies to us hoping
these few lines may find you enjoying the same Blessing Dear
Brother we have read two letters since we wrote to you
we read one in may Bearing date January the 12 1843 we recd [received?] one
on the 7th Instant Bearing date August 23rd 1843 which came by
the hand of Knox Henery [Henry?] we were glad to hear from you all but
sorry to hear of [Eliza?] Being so long sick and of James getting his
thigh bone Broke
James I think the next time the Pony goes to run
away you must keep a good hold of him and not let him run
a way dont be afraid of him altho [although?] you had a little bad luck
we must confess we were too long of writeing [writing?] you a letter
I cannot sine [find?] any reason why we did not write only neglecting
[stained]r [our?] duty we wont make any apology but the truth for
not [stained]ting [writing?] sooner we had Mr Alexander Cathcart paying us
a visit in the month of June last he staid [stayed?] with us two nights we
have not seen John Robers [Roberts?] since last winter only Mr Alex
[Alexander?] Cathcart told us that he had left Greenville and gone some
place near Pittsburgh But I Cannot write you the name of
the place the old queen Cela [Celia?] William and James lives near
Pittsburgh keeping a derry [dairy?] selling milch and butter John
Anderson lives one mile from us on a farm keeping Batchelers
[bachelors?] hall the [they?] dont come to see us nor we dont go to
see them we dont want you to mention any of them in your
letter to us I will state to you the difficulty Betwixt us
two years ago John was Comencing [Commencing?] on his farm
and he wanted wheat to buy and we had wheat to sell he wanted
the wheat one year on credit we were willing to trust him one
year by paying legal intrsst [interest?] he was unwilling to
pay Intrsst [Interest?] went of [off?] without Buying the
wheat a few days after he came back in the nightime
and would give somuch (sic) for the wheat he hated
the name of paying intrest [interest?] we Concluded to let
him have the wheat at this time wheat had reased [raised?]
one shiling [shilling?] per Bushel we did not know of it
But he new [knew?] of it was the reason why he came in
the night the next morning we heard of it and would not
let him have the wheat without paying market price
Der [Dear?] Father and Mother and maybe little sons John and
Tomas [Thomas?] write a few lines to you Conserning [Concerning?] a
little help which I Consider it my duty ase [as?] a Father to
doe [do?] I thought I wuld [would?] a [have?] sent some before
this time but it is hard resing [raising?] money in this Country
ase [as?] well ase [as?] in Ireland at present especly [especialy?]
on a new farm but that is no excuse for me you think I will
think hard of you writing plene [plain?] on the subject toe [to?]
me but but (sic) you canot [cannot?] ofend [offend?] I want
to here [hear?] every thing conserning [concerning?] all
maters [matters?] ase [as?] you formly [formerly?] have done I
intend toe [to?] make the [rules?] straight ase [as?] soon
after the det [date?] of this leter [letter?] ase [as?] posible
[possible?] I remene [remain?] yours ase [as?] a Father and
Brother Robert Anderson
Dear Father and Mother I inten [intend?] sending you a little
money as soon as I can I have Been working aut [out?]
considerable and with different men I had to take there
[their?] notes for pay for some time instead of oney [money?]
the men is all good enough for the pay But Cannot pay ready
money you may rest asured [assured?] if we are spaired
[spared?] health we will send you some help we were sorry
about the loss of your cow But it Cannot Be helped Cows is
low in price in Ireland But the [they?] are more than as
Cheap again we Could Buy Cows from £1.10 to £2.10 sheep by head
at 2s 6d of your money