Title: | Cunningham, Waddell to Quayle, William, 1756 |
ID | 5321 |
Collection | Letterbook of Greg & Cunningham, 1756-1757 [T. Truxes] |
File | gc/78 |
Year | 1756 |
Sender | Cunningham, Waddell |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | merchant |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | NYC, USA |
Destination | Douglas, Isle of Man, UK |
Recipient | Quayle, William |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | business |
Source | |
Archive | |
Doc. No. | |
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Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | |
Log | unknown |
Word Count | 156 |
Genre | business |
Note | |
Transcript | To William Quayle, [Douglas, Isle of Man] 20 June 1756 Sir: I have your very agreeable favour of the 5th April by my Brother who arrived here the 26th past. I assure you it gives me great pleasure to find you are so well setled. The 1st May last I entered into Partnership with Thomas Greg. Our Firm you have annexed. We beg leave to make your House & all your Friends A tender of Service here & to assure you we will readily [be] concerned with you in any scheme that has a promising Prospect. To enable you to judge better of what may answer, you have annexed the prices of Sundrys. We dont choose to let Captain Cunningham touch in your place this Voyage, as Our officers has been very Strict of late. We hope it will Bole over. I shall expect to hear from you often. WC, G&C Via Liverpool, per Capt. Cunningham |