Title: | Cunningham, Waddell to Greg, Thomas, 1756 |
ID | 5325 |
Collection | Letterbook of Greg & Cunningham, 1756-1757 [T. Truxes] |
File | gc/82 |
Year | 1756 |
Sender | Cunningham, Waddell |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | merchant |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | NYC, USA |
Destination | Belfast, Northern Ireland |
Recipient | Greg, Thomas |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | business partners |
Source | |
Archive | |
Doc. No. | |
Date | |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | |
Log | unknown |
Word Count | 161 |
Genre | business |
Note | |
Transcript | To Thomas Greg, Belfast 20 June 1756 Dear Sir: Annexed you have Copy of my last Via London, & the second Bill for the sum then remitted is enclosed. This goes by the Johnson. Annexed you have account of her Cargoe on our Company Books, I have creditted each of our accounts £150 for the Quarter of her & brought to her debit all the Charges attending her since she arrived here. I have now wrote all my Friends of our Partnership & doubts not you'l do every thing on your part to promote o[u]r mutual Interest, as you may depend I shall. The Season promises A good Crop, in particular of Flaxseed as we have frequent rains. Prices of goods as when last advised you. WC 290 Barrels of Tar 25 Casks of Rice 16 Tons of Logwood 5 thousand, two Hundred, & 26 feet of Boat Boards 4 thousand Butt staves Via Liverpool, per Capt. Cunningham & Capt. Kerr |