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Title: Cunningham, Waddell to Haliday & Dunbar, 1756
CollectionLetterbook of Greg & Cunningham, 1756-1757 [T. Truxes]
SenderCunningham, Waddell
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationmerchant
Sender Religionunknown
OriginNYC, USA
DestinationLiverpool, England
RecipientHaliday & Dunbar
Recipient Gendermale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count240
TranscriptTo Haliday & Dunbar, Liverpool 22 June 1756

Yesterday our Snow Johnson Sailed & we hope will be with you before
[his as she got to Sea same day.1 Annexed you have Copy of what we
wrote you by her2 to which have now to add that, if you can Ship Blankets
& Ruggs as cheap as in Bristol, you may send us five Bales of each sort, &
for your goverment, you have annexed the prices they were shiped at in
Bristol last season.
Incase matters are not setled, send us Three Tons of Shott & three Tons
of Indian Bar lead in Casks. Incase its Peace, it wont do. As you dont send
us A particular Freight list, we dont know but there may be goods on board
that has not paid. This we are sure must be done by mistake, if shoud happen,
As we have noi the least doubt of our Captain.
We must request that you would send the accounts of the Vessel by her.
It will be A great consequence to us that the Johnson shoud come in an
early Fall ship. This was our inducement for leting her slay here so short
A time. So we request & rely upon your giving her all possible dispatch.
We shall endeavor to convince you that we can & witl do it here. G&C
7/4 Ruggs cost 5/6 a piece
8/4 ditto 6/0
Blankets 60/0