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Title: Cunningham, Waddell to Dunlope, George, 1757
CollectionLetterbook of Greg & Cunningham, 1756-1757 [T. Truxes]
SenderCunningham, Waddell
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationmerchant
Sender Religionunknown
OriginNYC, USA
DestinationBallicastle, Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland
RecipientDunlope, George
Recipient Gendermale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count514
TranscriptTo George Dunlope, Ballycastle 10 January 1757


Our last was the 24th past. Since are without any of your favours. Have
now to enclose you Invoice & Bill of Lading for 60 Hogsheads & 66
half Hogsheads of Flaxseed, Eight Tons of Bar Iron, Four Hogsheads of
Antigua Rum, Two Hogsheads of Best Jamaica Rum, & Fourteen Thousand
Barrel Staves shiped in your Ship William & George, Robert McCalmont
Master, amounting to £612.14.4 is to your Debit in account. The articles
we hope will prove good & give content. We were obliged to Ship Two
Hogsheads of Jamaica Rum, as we could not get them of so good common
West India Rum as we choose to Ship you. The Flower we could not
Ship, as it goes 5d per Hundredweight higher from this then from
We doubt not you'l plainly see we have done all we could for your
Interest in dispatching the Vessel & procuring her the highest Freight
going, Viz 22s/9 per Hogshead for Flaxseed & in proportion for other
goods, & you'l see by the Manifest of the Cargoe that the Freight you
engaged at home has been little or no help to the dispatch of your Vessel,
We hope when you engage Freight for the time IO come, you'l make surer
Of it. When you send out your Vessel here, get a Hospital Bill, or you'l
be obliged to pay from the date of your Old one which is indeed Old.
Had WC not a very good understanding with the Officers that would be
the case now, but we got it put off. You see we saved you the most unjust
charge of Tonage.
You have enclosed your account Current with WC; balance due you £42.3.9 is to your credit with us, keeping you accountable to him if any
Debts should prove bad. Your Beef yet lyes on hand, & we are affraid
will be a very bad article. The Bale of goods we shant open till Spring, so
you see we are very considerably in advance for you. We can by no means
encourage you to send any dry goods here. They mostly are very bad
articles. You better Ballast your Vessel with Coals & Potatoes. They will
always bring some Freight. Them & Butter are the only articles we can
advise you to. Sometimes Linnens from 8d to I s/6d per yard answers well.
Captain McCalmont seems to be very carefull, & we believe has done as
well as he could for your Interest, which we hope he will convince you of.
We have got nothing done with the Power of Attorney. When we goe to
Philadelphia, shall have the need full done about it.
One of your Servants run away. He is Listed. We expect to be paid for
him. The other we don't know what to do with.
You may depend on observing your orders about Insureance.
You may be assured that we can & will serve you in all your commands
as well as any here. G&C

per Capt. McCalmont
per Capt. Boyd