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Title: Nathaniel Carrothers to his Brother William Carrothers
CollectionIrish Emigration Database
FileCarrothers, Nathaniel/8
SenderCarrothers, Nathaniel
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationfarmer
Sender Religionunknown
OriginOntario, Canada
DestinationCo. Fermanagh, N.Ireland
RecipientCarrothers, William
Recipient Gendermale
SourceT 3440 acc 13104: Deposited by the Linenhall Library, Belfast.
ArchiveThe Public Record Office, Northern Ireland.
Doc. No.9309349
Partial Date
Doc. TypeEMG
LogAction By Date Document added by C. R., 30:09:1993
Word Count883
TranscriptMarch the 22th 1867

Dear Brother
I write these few lines to you hoping the [they?] will find you and family [family?] in good health as the [they?] leave me and mine at present thank god for all his mercies to us. I wrote you a long letter in January 1866 giving you all the pirtuculars [particulars?] and my doughter [daughter?] Elizah Jane sent hur [her?] and hur [her?] sisters potogaph [photograph?] to youes and I requested anser [answer?] from you with all the newes [news?] that you coud [could?] put in it, but up to the present I have go [got?] no anser [answer?] to it, and Brother Joseph sent you one last spring and you never have ansered [answered?] it neither; as I have sent you a great many long epistols [epistles?] about that country I wil [will?] say littel [little?] in this one: as we can have the newes [news?] of the day by the antlick [Atlantic?] Cable in the course of a few houres [hours?]; I have nothing in pirtuclar [particular?] to mencion [mention?] since I last wrout [wrote?] to you except the death of my second son Joseph who died on the 15th of August last Aged 25 years; he was in bad health for the last two years of which I gave you anacount [an account?] of in my last letter and I sent you a newes [news?] paper in which his death was mencined [mentioned?] the same week that he died. He died very sudden alltho [although?] he had been complaining for along [a long?] time, his health seemed as good as yousial [usual?] up to that morning and was in the act of dresing [dressing?] him self when he drapt [dropped?] or fainted over and died in about 15 minites [minutes?]; he was a very healthy boy till he was betweem 22 and 23 years of ago [age?] and stout. When he began to complain and his strenth [strength?] fail he never kept his bed a day: Brother Joseph has moved a way [away?] from hear [here?], his son James has bought a farm in the same township that his son William had settled in and close by and James was determed [determined?] to go on it last spring so the [they?] all moved to it; and I had a letter from him last week and the [they?] were all well and he said his health was very good; all the friend hear [here?] are well at present; this has been a very mild winter hear [here?] some thing like an Irish winter the Country is very prousperious [prosperous?] at present only we are anoyed [annoyed?] by the fenians in the united states treatning [threatening?] to invade us, but if the [they?] come the [they?] will soon have to go back again as the [they?] had last spring with their numer [number?] well thined [thinned?], as we are all loyel [loyal?] hear [here?] the [they?] will get no aid or assistance on the soil of Canada. The [they?] have no simpothisers [sympathisers?] hear [here?], the roman Cathelickes [Roman Catholics?] hear [here?] are all loyal and our volintears [volunteers?] are made up with agreat [a great?] many of them. The Cathelicks [Catholics?] hear [here?] are quite different from what the [they?] are in Ireland the [they?] are happy and content under the british Crown; but I see the [they?] have been making a considerle [considerable?] rising with youes (sic) this month and the [they?] have ben [been?] eisly [easily?] put down; I have sent you some newes [news?] papers during the last year in you see the ma price of things in this country; and you have done so likewise for which I feel thankful.I got the Enniskillen paper with the account of your herticular [horticultural?] show in it and was glad to see that youes took so many of the prises [prizes?]. I got the paper with the account of the loyal meeting in Enniskillen in it and was glad to see that it was so wel [well?] attended: I allso [also?] got a good dale [deal?] of the local newes [news?] about Lisbellaw and its neighebroud [neighbourhood?] from the Carrols who came out last spring. There is one of them living with me, the [they?] came a crose [across?] the ocien [ocean?] in 10 daye [days?], the [they?] are all well: last summer was the wetest [wettest?] I have seen in this country. In some pars [parts?] of it the harvest was ingured [injured?] on account of the wet, put [but?] in this secion [section?] we had a good crop and got it wel [well?] saved mine was a god [good?] one; and stock of all kinds sold well: I want you or some of the boyes [boys?] to write me a long letter with the account of all the friend and neighbours that you can think of: there has been no deaths among the friends of mine on any side but that of Joseph since I last wrote to Yo [you?] William Gregston has gon [gone?] Cresy [crazy?] and is in assilom [asylum?]; give my best rispects [respects?] to all my frends [friends?] and old neibours [neighbours?]. Margaret and I sends our bests respects to you and Bessy and all the fameley [family?] and I reman [remain?]
Yours Nathaniel Carrothers