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Title: 26. From James Prendergast to his children in Boston
CollectionThe Prendergast Letters. Correspondence from Famine-era Ireland (1840-50) [S. Barber]
SenderPrendergast, James
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationfarmer
Sender Religionunknown
OriginMilltown, Co. Kerry, Ireland
DestinationBoston, Mass., USA
RecipientPrendergast children
Recipient Gendermale-female
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count445
Genrefamily, economy, politics
TranscriptMr Cornelius Reardon
N° 16 Pearl Place Boston
N. America


Milltown 27th Decr. 1845

My dear Children
Your letter of the 30th Novr last with its enclo
=sure of £8 stg. arrived with us on the 18th of Decr
Instant and was cashed for me without delay on the 22nd.
I must say that it was very timely for the christmas
holidays. Yet I will ^tell^ you and I hope you will believe me that we enjoyed greater pleasure than the amount of the check could give when we read that ye enjoyed good health. May the merciful Redeemer
preserve ye and shower his favours on ye. Considering
our age your Mother ^and I^ are well thank God. Your Brothers
and their families are so likewise, and so is Dan Riordan.
He is always at Mr Finns. Mr Spring and family are
very well. Your Aunt is still in Cork. I have only heard
from her she received some sort of a hurt. I hear she is lame
but I could not learn how it happened. As for the
state of the country it is very uncertain. In harvest
the crops were so promising that people thought the ensuing
year would be plentiful and cheap. But before Sepr It was
discovered that the potatoe crop was rotting in the ground.
The complaint became general throughout Ireland and
not without cause. The public papers teem with accts
of the loss in various parts of this kingdom. Government sent
out Commissioners to try to discover the cause and means
to prevent it but all in vain. A dread of famine pre
availed throughought kingdom. Petitions crowded in from
all parts of the kingdom, Praying that Government would
open the Ports and grant a free Trade. The Cabinet council
disagreed and resigned their places. A new Cabinet was
attempted to ^be^ formed, but it said that the attempt failed
and the old council was recalled. Great confusion prevails
here as nothing certain is yet done. No scarcity appears
in our part of the country yet thank God. But the spring
and summer it is dreaded will be very dear as great
quantities of Potatoes have been lost in every part
of the count[r]y. It was not a partial complaint
but a general one and I am really sorry to say
it is not without cause. I will not trouble you
with further accounts only that your Mother and I daily
offer our prayers for your preservation and now join in sending you our love and blessing. I remain
my dear children
yours truly and affectionately
James Prendergast