Title: | Greeves, Susanna to O'Brien (n. Greeves), Anne, 1819 |
ID | 5954 |
Collection | The Transatlantic Letters of an Irish Quaker Family_1818-1877 [B. Jackson] |
File | quaker/8(2) |
Year | 1819 |
Sender | Greeves, Susanna |
Sender Gender | female |
Sender Occupation | shop keeper |
Sender Religion | Quaker |
Origin | Dungannon, Co. Tyrone, N.Ireland |
Destination | Philadelphia, Penn., USA |
Recipient | O'Brien (n. Greeves), Anne |
Recipient Gender | female |
Relationship | siblings |
Source | |
Archive | |
Doc. No. | |
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Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | |
Log | unknown |
Word Count | 329 |
Genre | family news, birth |
Note | |
Transcript | Dear Sister I intend writing thee a long letter the next opportunity. I would have written now, only as Mother, Thos & Jane did, they have left me no news. I may tell thee that Mr Roach is left town. He is gone to Dublin: there was great talk about L Locke & him but now since he is gone that put an end to it. He used to ask very often for thee - and also My Uncle over the way, M[axwell] McEvoy. I may tell thee he has got an increase co his family, the Girl that lived in the house with him has a son to him. I hear that it is very like him: so there is My Uncle for thee - but that is bur a small blemish in a young man's character. Mr Egan was asking for thee the other day: he was glad to hear thee was well. I think it is time for me to say something about thy little daughter: by all accounts it is beautifull bur as beautiful as iris, I hope it will grow tall and slender than its name sake Rosa Fagin Be sure & write me soon & tell me all about her & how thee likes nursing. Thee never mentioned in any of thy letters about going co meeting or if there was many friends. I hope we will live to see each other yet: I long to see thee & thy little daughter. Tell brother William to write to me & I intend writing to him. Give my dear love to him & am glad to hear he is growing so far. I am with love to Mary Greeves & Maria, & accept a large share thyself & believe me, Dear Anne, thy affectionate Sister Susanna P.S. Peggy Roberts has taken a house a few doors above Moran & is carrying on the stay making business as usual. Adieu Dear Sister adieu, thine SG |