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Title: Sinton, Joseph to O'Brien (n. Greeves), Anne, 1819
CollectionThe Transatlantic Letters of an Irish Quaker Family_1818-1877 [B. Jackson]
SenderSinton, Joseph
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationmerchant
Sender ReligionQuaker
OriginWilkesbarre, near Philadelphia, Penn., USA
DestinationPhiladelphia, Penn., USA
RecipientO'Brien (n. Greeves), Anne
Recipient Genderfemale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count318
TranscriptWilksbarre July 8, 1819

My dear Niece
I dont feel easy to let the bearer depart without writing a few lines to thee, if only to show that I dont indend to be a cerimonious correspondent.
S. Cist, I understand, writes by same conveyance and will no doubt
inform thee of many things in a more agreeable manner than I could.
I have not kept my resolution of retiring entirely from society. The
other inst I took in the light waggon to Fullers, the Misses McCoys and
their niece from the City together with Phoebe117, but however lively the
company, I did not enjoy it so much as the times thee was along. I did not
feel so free and at my ease. Perhaps it was because we had no little one
along to make sweet music, or perhaps because I was tormented by a
rheumatic pain in my knee.
The 5th inst. was a high day here to celebrate the anniversary of
Independence. I have never attended such parries - but spent a very
pleasant evening without previous invitation at G.M. Hollenbacks,
along with Phoebe and that good little soul S.C. and her good man, who is in bad health as usual. I need hardly say that thy name was often mentioned, as it always is whenever any of the above named meet, and, need I add, very very often thought of by all our family at all rimes, and by none more
frequently than

thy afft.
Uncle Jo.

PS- The family all send their love. Jacob had a bad spell of the cramp last night about 11 o'clock, all by himself in the dark. S.C. had just handed me the enclosed to forward. The M.C.grs [McCoy girls?] are to be here to tea
this evening. S. looked so roguish when speaking on the subject that I suspect she has been writing about my trip
with them.