Title: | Sinton, Joseph to O'Brien (n. Greeves), Anne, 1823 |
ID | 6007 |
Collection | The Transatlantic Letters of an Irish Quaker Family_1818-1877 [B. Jackson] |
File | quaker/53 |
Year | 1823 |
Sender | Sinton, Joseph |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | merchant |
Sender Religion | Quaker |
Origin | Wilkesbarre, near Philadelphia, Penn., USA |
Destination | Lake Erie, NY, USA |
Recipient | O'Brien (n. Greeves), Anne |
Recipient Gender | female |
Relationship | uncle-niece |
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Archive | |
Doc. No. | |
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Doc. Type | |
Log | unknown |
Word Count | 1012 |
Genre | family, construction of new canal, work |
Note | |
Transcript | Wilksbarre, June 23rd 1823 My dear Niece Above a month after its date, I received thy letter of 4 mo 12th for which I had long been looking, being anxious to hear how thee go: home at such a cold season of the year: I am sorry to hear of the bad health of the young Cattaraguan but as the troubles attending on young sick children are such as married folks must expect, it cant be expected that one in my situation can be much grieved to hear of it. Perhaps because I consider it a sort of draw back from the comforts of matrimony and helps Co reconcile me to my lonely lot, as it shows that if celibacy has few pleasures, matrimony has many cares. I am now sorry thee did not make a longer visit here, but I felt afraid to advise it then, knowing how dismal it is to sleigh over bare ground. We are jogging on as usual except that G. Denison, one of the partners, has sold out to the other two, & taking an account of stock, closing the old and opening the new set of books, has made me more to do than usual for a month past. So it seems a great man has met with his match at last. From all I heard, I thought that all that was wanting to manage him was resolution and a slight knowledge of the laws of the state I was up to the Mill yesterday as usual: the family all well; Charity has not lived there for some time, the miller arid her became too intimate- I always knew she was giddy & impudent but did not think she was so bad as it now appears she has been. I think the young man who talked of coming after her has had great luck in escaping the noose of matrimony with her. The Store by the canal will be a great convenience when the canal is finished. Buffalo must afford a market for everything char will bear carriage to the City. I am still close confined but enjoy good health and getting quite fat. I am above 12 lbs heavier than I was last fall & my last summer duds quite too little for me. It is expected that J. McCoy will bring back his wife next month after all the row. Some of our neighbour, were in the City with him lately and he took them to see her. I have never said a word to any of the family on the subject yet. I am joked as usual about one of the sisters but I have got too many peeps behind the matrimonial curtain to require a ticker m such a Lottery. Well it appears there is no danger of your part of the state being depopulated - infant manufactures flourish without the trammels of matrimony. I think the sheep trade a good one. I think thee can give John as good an account of his gift as the Irishman did or his pound of Chocolate, when he informed the giver that he had made Tay of it, and I hope thy flock of sheep will increase at least as bst as the rest of the family. I regret as much as thee could, my being so confined when thee was here. Since Sep' last I have never been one week day out of the store: the only time I have to visit a neighbor is after 9 at night. The partners leave the business and books entirely to me & taking account of the stock lately I was glad to find they were well satisfied, and said the profit was more than they expected, & I am in hopes if I continue they will increase my salary. Last week James Simon was here. He brought up Susan Sitgreaves to see the new Church Consecrated by the Bishop, and her brother ordained a Priest. The weather was warm and a great crowd and I did not attend but spent a quiet day at Mill Creek. The Bishop lodged where I board. He is an old acquaintance of Uncle Morton about who he spoke respectfully. Some people came 70 miles to see the ceremony. I dont know of much attraction among those thou an acquainted with here: S. Cist has sent her eldest daughter to Bethlehem. She sends her love and often regrets the shortness of thy visit. G. Mallorey and his wife appear to be in the last stages of consumption they have starred on a journey in hopes of relief by travel. I was glad to hear that thee had given up thoughts of the back woods. John Nicholson I understand is determined to leave that part - what Thomas intends I have not heard. I thought he was to have been noosed by now but hear that it is doubtful if he will soon. With respect to the pleasure of seeing thee & Wm at Erindale I see no prospect of it at present. How long I may continue as I am or whether I may get into business on my own account will depend in some measure upon others. I have had some offers but when I look back at it the anxious days I have passed, I almost shudder at the thought of beginning again. If it were not for a wish to place my brother where he would not have to work so hard, I would be content to jog on as I am. If any change takes place I will inform thee, especially if I should be determined on taking a wife, but I asure thee that I have not even begun a treaty of that sort. I have not heard anything lately from the Sod. I have taken advantage of the leisure afforded by a shower to write this & must now conclude with love to Wm and all the young ones, in which all the family joins, and remain as ever thy afft. Uncle Jo. |