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Title: Greeves, Susanna to O'Brien (n. Greeves), Anne, 1831
CollectionThe Transatlantic Letters of an Irish Quaker Family_1818-1877 [B. Jackson]
SenderGreeves, Susanna
Sender Genderfemale
Sender Occupationshop keeper
Sender ReligionQuaker
OriginLisburn, N.Ireland
DestinationLake Erie, NY, USA
RecipientO'Brien (n. Greeves), Anne
Recipient Genderfemale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count1177
Genrenews of family, friends and neighbours
Transcript4/13th 1831

My dear sister
My father and Jane having wrote so lately, (and my rather now) that 1 seem to have very little to say; but as he has
left some room in this, would not like it should go without being filled. I was in Dungon when Jane wrote last.
I expect she told ... why I had to be there so long. 1 only got home about a week before our Qr Meeting which
was near the beginning of 3 month, after being there 6 months.
We have got brother Thomas married at last, which indeed we ate all well pleased at. We like his wife very much:
she is indeed a very agreeable little lady. Thee no doubt remember Reacheal Malcomson: she often spoke of thee
and of spending some time very pleasantly at Milton when thee was there. They were both at Q Meeting: as usual
we had a good many friends, but only four lodgers which were Brother Thos & sister Reach-, Margery Verner and
sister O'Brien. The latter was only a week with us: we regretted she limited herself so but she wished to be home
before the M Melick Qr Meeting: as brother Dan was going and taking Margt to school, she had to get her clothes
in order. They intend sending Anna to Anne Shannons for a year or so to finish her. I have not seen her these
5 or 6 years: the last time I was in Carlow, which is now 3 years this month, she was at school. We have got my Aunt to live with us. She spent 7 weeks in Armagh on her way here: she had been very poorly:
it was principaley weakness and debility she complained of; her bowels had been ill a long rime which reduced her
very much. She is beginning to look better and I think the fine weather, which we are getting now after the severe
winter we had, will be of use to her. It is pleasant for us to have her. She desires me give her dear love to thee and
brother Wm and to say she has moved her quarters once more; poor old body, I expect she will not have to move
again. Reachel before she was married sent her two or three messages to stay and after she came home she asked
her, but it was my Aunts sentiments always that when Thos would get married she would not stay, for she said
old people were only in the way. But my father gave her an invitation long since if ever he [Thomas] should be
married to come live with us.
We have not anyone now as assistant in the shop. The young woman we had left us about a month ago: she
wished to be near her Mother and brothers & sisters who live in Dublin, and her Mothet got her to Ed. Allen's. But
I heat she will not answer: she is not smart enough. Indeed to tell the truth we were glad she proposed to go, for
we thought a pity of the creature, having no place she could call a home (het Mother being in a situation herself,
as also her brothers and sisters). But I did what I am sure many would not, keep her when realy she seemed of very
little use. We look forward to a bad summers trade and we think of doing without another untill nearer winter.
I do not know wheather Jane mentioned the death of thy aunt Jane Lamb: she had been a long time ailing before
she was confined to her bed, to which she was confined for 8 weeks. Her daughter Anne, who always lived with
her and Abraham, since her death her mind has been quite astray - it is thought brought on by the fatigue and
anxiety and want of sleep which she underwent during her [mothers] illness. She is at a friends of the name of
Allen who has several patients of the same kind, (he lives near Rich Hill). I hope, poor thing, that she will be
restored to her right mind again. Sally & Susanna seem to be getting on pretty well in Belfast. We had Aunt Dolly
[Lamb] with Joshua [Lamb] and his wife spending first day with us. Thy aunt desired me give her love to you. She
looks wonderful for her age [71 in two days' time] and still able to get to Meeting.
Cousin Rum Nicholson was just in and when I told her I was writting to thee she desired me remember her
most affectionately to thee. Her brother Josephs eldest son is a fine boy of 18 years old, died some time ago: it
was a great trial to his father and mother. They never have more than two of their children living at a time, altho
they have had thirteen. How is Thomas [Nicholson] doing since he was married: do you ever hear from him.
As I know thee ... [likes to?]l hear about thy old acquaintances, I may tell thee Eliza Shaw was inquiring for
thee. She is now living at Wm Garratts as an assistant in the shop. Her fathers property is so much reduced (indeed
I may say he has none) that he and Mary have to seperate in their old day. He I understand is to go live with Willm
Locke, and Mary and Fanny with Maria. James Calvert is in a very delicate state of health. I fear he will do no good;
they have only two children living- they buried two in one day, the one died of inflamation of the lungs and the
other of water on the brain. Their two eldest is living, which is all they have. Lucy enjoys good health. I never see
[her] but she asks for thee. My fathet went to see James about two weeks ago. He is generally beloved and respected,
I believe he is pretty snug as to the world.
All our Moyallon friends are well accept Aunt Ruth who has had a sore hand these several months. Something
broke out on it which she does not know what it is, which is very painful. She speaks of coming to see us and of
shewing it to Dr. Stewart who lives here. Aunt Deb'y spent a week lately in Armagh: she is as fat as ever. She has
not been to see us this long time.
There is great talk about parlimentary reform. It is thought that it will be carried as the ministers are all for it.
I suppose you hear all that does be going on here by the newspapers, that is if you see any. Dont wait to be hearing
from us but write often. We do be very uneasy when you are long from writing. Thee always says very little about
the children, particularly thy youngest. Thee did not say what you call your last. Jane joins in love to Brother &
thee with

thy afft sister