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Title: O'Brien (n.Greeves), Mary to O'Brien (n. Greeves), Anne, 1832
CollectionThe Transatlantic Letters of an Irish Quaker Family_1818-1877 [B. Jackson]
SenderO'Brien (n.Greeves), Mary
Sender Genderfemale
Sender Occupationunknown
Sender ReligionQuaker
OriginCarlow, Co. Carlow, Ireland
DestinationLake Erie, NY, USA
RecipientO'Brien (n. Greeves), Anne
Recipient Genderfemale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count858
Genrecorrespondence, illness, family news, birth
TranscriptCarlow 26th of 3d mo. 1832

My dear sister
I am really ashamed at being so long without
writing to thee, nor can I make any proper
excuse as I had sufficient time these months past,
as I have been pretty much confined to the
house from the first of 11th mo till now. About
that time I got cold and had inflamation of
my lungs, which required very great bleeding
and blistering &c to get it under, which thank
goodness was accomplished, although it was
apprehended it could not have been done so
soon. I was then within three months of my
confinement and from then untill that took
place on the 26th of first mo. I was unable to
attend to any business or even to housekeeping,
and my spirits were so low at times that I could
not do anything, not even work or read. On the
26th of first mo. I was confined and had a
daughter who we name Elizabeth. She was a very little creature but is thriving very well although I have scarce
any suck for her. I recovered very well for 2 weeks when I got a sore breast with which I suffered a great deal before
it broke. I am now nearly as well as ever except that I have a little remains of the cough I had in the winter.
I have now written thee a deal about myself- indeed I have nothing interesting to write about; all our friends
both here and in the North are pretty well. I suppose my sisters will write thee by the same vessel as this goes by
and tell you all the Northern news. I dare say you sometimes see by the newspapers the state of this country - both
with regard to disturbance and pestilence; cholera has been in England for several months406 and has carried off hundreds, I believe I might say thousands: it is now in Belfast. So that we have no other reasons but soon co expect
it here - but what is it compared to the sword along with the pestilence.
Things are assuming such an aspect in this country we are beginning to think seriously of America. However
we could not wind up our business and affairs in a short time & Danl intends to be bringing his business into a
smaller compass and to give less credit &c, so that if we find that popery really is likely to get the upper hand, that
we will be ready to be off- at present there is every appearance of it. I am so much hurried I have not time to go
into particulars, but ever since emancipation was granted they have been (I mean the popish party) striving to get
the ascendancy. I have been wanting Danl to write to Wm, which he says he intends doing but he is puting it off
till he has mote time.
Tell Wm that Anne Lecky was married about a year ago co Joseph Robinson Pim; he was a widower with
5 daughters. She has been confined lately of a son, which is great joy to them all. Wm [Lecky?], Robert and the 3
girls Blessing, Jane & Charlotte live together; Hugh and Sally Mutray [nee O'Brien] are well. He is still in the
police; they have 4 sons and a daughter. Hugh got a legacy of £40 p annum left him lately by an uncle Saml Doyle,
which is or great use to them. Sally is anxious for him to leave the police. Mathew Jenkinson is not in any
employment at present: he is sloping here un till some place offers; is George [Taylor?] with you still.
I suppose my sisters will write thee an a/c of the shocking failures in Belfast, mostly among friends - and the
Dree Hill family have also failed, I pity them very much. Anna's husband is blamed for speculating and having
involved them, but I believe the truth is Wm Bell has been keeping them up this great while.
I could write a great deal more only that I am limited for time; however I do not intend, if I am spared, to be
so long without writing again. I intend to send this to my sisters to forward and will desire Susanna to fill the
remainder across. The last accounts from our friends in Indiana, they were all pretty well except Margr Waring who
had very bad health: they write as if they were pretty comfortable. Joseph Thompson has got to be a magistrate;
he keeps the post office in the town where he lives, the name of which I do not recollect. I must now conclude,
joined in dear love to thee, Wm and the children by Danl, I remain, dear Anne,

thy affectionate sister
M OBrien

PS I suppose thee has heard of Cousin Margt Sinton having married out of meeting and going to America - she
lives in New York - her husband [James Greacen] is a printer. Tell Wm that Nat Neal was removed about a month
since in a bad fever. Eliza [Neal] still delicate.