Title: | John Chambers, New York to Robert Simms, Belfast. |
ID | 605 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Chambers, John/36 |
Year | 1807 |
Sender | Chambers, John |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | store owner |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | New York, USA |
Destination | Belfast, N.Ireland |
Recipient | Simms, Robert |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | friends |
Source | T 1815/8: Copied by Permission of the Presbyterian Historical Society, Church House, Fisherwick Place, Belfast. |
Archive | The Public Record Office, Northern Ireland. |
Doc. No. | 8809107 |
Date | 17/06/1807 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | EMG |
Log | Document added by JM 09:11:1993. |
Word Count | 588 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | Mr Robert Simms Merchant Belfast New York 17th June 1807 My Dear Simms Observing a vessel destined for your Port I cannot resist the temptation of saying a few words to you I am now settled down in this city (No 129, Water Street) I have opened a store in my own proper business, having taken my eldest son into Partnership. As our commencement took place but a few weeks since, it is not possible to form any opinion of what our success may be. We are under a heavy rent (now 700 dolls prann [per annum?]) & sundry other heavy expenses; but as these are the usual attendants on everyone in business here we must endeavour to bear them as well as our neighbours. Our friend Jackson has sold his farm in Pennsya [Pennsylvania?] & will return home I suppose in the fall or spring - Sinclair has got [permission?] also, but it seems doubtful that he will accept it - the change of Administration which has lately taken place in England has cooled the wishes for many for seeing once more their native soil - Many, indeed most people, here regret the change, as promising good neither to this or to any other Country - & the friends of general liberty - & the extinguishment of religious feuds Deeply lament the event What remains for poor Ireland? - Nothing is now even to be hoped for, but a mild & equal administration of the Laws & of the executive government - This would be alright, & well, & happy, if the Laws were equal - but whilst they remain other ways, Of what Value is it to the majority of the people? Ireland will every day now become more enlightened & her discontent will be exactly in proportion. - How is this, or either, to be stayed, & how can you prevent the consequence - In this country, those who look at the late revolution in the Cabinet of England can scarce believe the ostensible cause which is assigned What kind of Interest is excited of late years amongst you on occasion of contested Elections. In the Capital, (it appears to me) the people are divided into three divisions, #PAGE 2 Viz The lovers of liberty - the lovers of intolerance - & the lovers of loaves & fishes - the two last seem inevitably to unite & are perhaps now too many for the first Give me the part of you cogitations, my good friend, on all these points I have been long, very long, anxious to hear if any steps have been taken, or are proposed, for containing the Collection of Irish music - begun in your town some years ago in one admirable Volume - I hope sincerely it has been, or will be completed - for every day difficulty increases; & have you no liberty fund to bribe the sleeping genius of Ireland to give Poetry (like Burns') to her Harp. - Will you tell me some news on these points. - If the idea shoud [should?] ever be taken up to give a premium for the best songs to our most favourite pieces of Music - I would most chearfully [cheerfully?] become a humble contributor I lament exceedingly the family affliction wh [which?] I hear my old friend Tennent - has experienced - Present to him my best regards - Remembrance to your brother, & c. - Write to me when the opportunity offers - & believe me always - with warmest wishes for you happiness - Yours sincerely J Chambers |