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Title: Greeves, Jane to O'Brien (n. Greeves), Anne, 1834
CollectionThe Transatlantic Letters of an Irish Quaker Family_1818-1877 [B. Jackson]
SenderGreeves, Jane
Sender Genderfemale
Sender Occupationshop keeper
Sender ReligionQuaker
OriginLisburn, N.Ireland
DestinationLake Erie, NY, USA
RecipientO'Brien (n. Greeves), Anne
Recipient Genderfemale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count830
Genretheir sister Mary's decease
Transcript2 mo 6th 1834

My dear sister
I wrote to thee in the first bill of exchange, which I hope you have reed safe ere this. I then mentioned dear sister
Marys having been ill for several weeks but hoped she was in a fair way of recovery. I did not like to say much about
her illness then, least it would make thee uneasy and alarm thee; and at that time we did not understand there was
any real cause for alarm. But a short time after we had an account of her having got a relapse: yet the doctor did
not seem to think that she had any unfavourable symptoms till the 7th day morning before her decease, when she
took a turn in her bowels, not a stoppage but they were too free: inflamation and mortification ensued which baffled
all their efforts - and I blieve everything was done that could be thought of, but without effect as she only survived
till the 2nd day evening after. She was quite sensible of her situation and was mercifully supported and enabled Co
be perfectly resigned to part with her dear husband and children and to give each of them suitable advice - which
is the greatest consolation we can have, as I blieve she was taken in Mercy and I trust is entered into "Eternal rest".
Her death gave us a great shock and seemed one of the greatest afflictions we ever experienced; we have not quite
yet recovered from the effects of it, it was so unexpected. When Dan wrote she had got this last change for the
worse. Susanna got ready as fast as possible & set off in the first coach she could get a seat in - but all was over
when she got to Carlow, which thee may be sure was almost too much for her to bear. It was to see the poor
children & brother Dan in such affliction & poor Mary gone that she had hoped to be useful to. But it was well
she went as 3 of the children took the fever and she staid 8 weeks with them and was of great use to chem. She
only came home a few days ago in consequence of my being laid up with a sore throat which confined me to bed
8 days. I am now much better & able to be down in the parlour, but it will require some time before I am fit to
be in the shop - which is a great inconvenience. But I have a right to be thankful that I am so well, for I suffered
a great deal as it was a very bad Quinsy I had.
Our dear sister was greatly beloved and respected, consequently has been greatly lamented. She is a great loss
to the Society, independant of her own family. She was an overseer and took an active part in the discipline. I sometimes can hardly chink it possible she is gone. I had looked forward to having her for a friend and counsellor
when Susanna and I might be left alone in the world, but it has been ordered otherwise and I endeavour not to
repine but I fear I am not always so resigned as I should be. Poor brother Dan will feel her loss the m[M and
longest. He will miss her when no one else will: I hope he will have comfort in his children. John & Anna are both
clever & steady beyond their y[ears] and the younger children promise very well. Having their cousin Win O'Brien
in the house with them is a great acquisition to them. He is an agreeable instructive companion and John has not
to seek for company elsewhere, which is a great matter for a young person at his time of life.
We had a letter from Mary Greeves yesterday containing the pleasing inteligence that brother John was
considerably better and I hope he is now in a fair way of recovering. We are often uneasy about him as he is not
of a stout constitution - every little thing lays him up - but the Doctor says that his lungs are not at all affected,
which is a great comfort. Their children are both well; also brother Thomas & his wife and children.
I hope thee will have written to us long ere this reaches you, but should thee not, I request thee may do so soon
after - as we do be very anxious when we are some time from hearing from you. There are only 3 sisters & two
brothers of us now and if it was for the best I would be delighted we all lived near each other. I will now W thee
an affectionate farewell with [Dea]r love to brother William and each of the children in which Father and ...
Susanna unite, I am as ever

thy [tru]ly affectionate sister