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Title: Greacen (n. Sinton), Margaret to O'Brien, William, 1834
CollectionThe Transatlantic Letters of an Irish Quaker Family_1818-1877 [B. Jackson]
SenderGreacen (n. Sinton), Margaret
Sender Genderfemale
Sender Occupationunknown
Sender ReligionQuaker
OriginPhiladelphia, Penn., USA
DestinationLake Erie, NY, USA
RecipientO'Brien, William
Recipient Gendermale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count262
Genreforwarding letter, savings
TranscriptDear Cousins
We Reed thy last two letters. I thought best to send you this letter, as it will convey better to you than I am capable
of doing the affliction our friends at home have met with. We are as well as usual. Cousin M Greeves is about
leaving her situation, she thinks of going to board in Wilksbarre for a while, from which place she intends writing
to you. I write one line round the pages of this letter for want of room elsewhere. I hope you will be able to make
it all out.
M Greason

We would like to get an answer to this as soon as you receive it, and we want you to say how we would be likely
to make out with about 300 dollars if we had it, beside you. We have by close industry been able to save this
much, and we want you to say whether we could promise ourselves anything of an easy living: suppose 50 or 60
acres with one half or less cultivated; say what it could be had for, or whether any such is to be had near you. We
wish your answer directly as prospects here are so bad we think of either going home or to the country early this
fall. Say what it costs per acre to clear trees off land, for we would not like to commence in debt. Now do be
particular and tell us everything, also your direction or the best way of getting to you from Buffaloe.
Yours affectionately
M. Greason