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Title: Greeves (n. Emlen), Mary to O'Brien (n. Greeves), Anne, 1838
CollectionThe Transatlantic Letters of an Irish Quaker Family_1818-1877 [B. Jackson]
SenderGreeves (n. Emlen), Mary
Sender Genderfemale
Sender Occupationunknown
Sender ReligionQuaker
OriginPhiladelphia, Penn., USA
DestinationLake Erie, NY, USA
RecipientO'Brien (n. Greeves), Anne
Recipient Genderfemale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count507
Genreinheritance, family news
Transcript[Philadelphia] 1838 April 2d

Dear Ann
I received your letter date 3 mo 7 on 29[h: it must have laid some time at Greeves & Andrews. I was sorry to
hear of your dificulty in geting along: I have had mine formerly - many times - hardly knowing whitch way to
turn to provide for our family. I was left destitute: for a wile thy Uncle [her husband Thomas Greeves] had given
a Certain friend Bond & judgment on all our household goods, and finding what standing he was in as the regards
the things of this life, he prevaild on him to make over stock he held in his name belonging to me, in hope of
hideing from the world - as to take the funiture would have made a great sture [stir]. He would have been welcom to it. I hate any thing underhandedly done, but when you ... you find so they are. The Stock maid [made! over
was purchased with Money given to me by my mother. Caleb Cregson said it was illegal, being done so short a
rime before thy Uncles Death. I could say more about matters & things: Joseph Sinton [Uncle Jo of Wilkes-Barre]
often said some peopel kept a sharp look. I find since Uncle J was right. I am willen to advance you one hundred
Dollars if I can get a safe O port unity. I do not know who thy Philadelphia friends are, and would not like to ask
a favour of the kind of any, as I would not like to make myself responsible.
James Greeves is a Widower a second time, lost his wife about Christmas. It must be a great affliction but -
not unlocked for. H[enry] is what die world tails wealthy - the ampel means of procuring all the Comforts and
only one Child to provide for; so he has his trials in other way.
Closed my Letter after seeing James Greeves and informing him of your surcomstances and told him how far I
could go and give him a Check for the amount. He being willing also, I wanted him to write and find out the best
way to you by a sure conveyance. Do not be long before thee lets me hear from you, as I feel much interest in your
welfare. With best love to William thyself and Children I reman

thy friend
Mary E Greeves

PS I often think of pleasant hours we spent together in Chesnut St; and tell thy oldest daughter I often maid a
bed in a rocking Chair instead of a Cradle. I now am in my 64 year: it is near 20 since thee and I parted. Should
we ever meet again, we should have deal to say of by gone times. I am spending a few Days at C. E. Pleasants.
If thee Directs my Letters when thee writes, to the Care of Caleb E Pleasants, Druggest, for Mary E. Greeves,
they will be rec'd in Shorter time than any other way.