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Title: Greeves, John Sr to O'Brien, William, 1838
CollectionThe Transatlantic Letters of an Irish Quaker Family_1818-1877 [B. Jackson]
SenderGreeves, John Sr
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationlinen trader
Sender ReligionQuaker
OriginLisburn, N.Ireland
DestinationLake Erie, NY, USA
RecipientO'Brien, William
Recipient Gendermale
Relationshipfather-in-law - son-in-law
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count535
Genrecrops, Jane's health improving, politics, ageing
TranscriptLisburn 9 mo 14th 1838

Dear Wm
Thine and Anns letter dated 10 mo & 1 mo 3d came to hand, since which we wrote to you & in it mentioned
that John Wright was an auctioneer in Cincinnati, as you wished to know where he resided: this information we
had from Carlow. This spring & summer hath been remarkable wet, the harvest is but shortly commenced & I think the grain
will not be all cut untill 11 mo. Provisions hath advanced very much, wheat about 15/-& 16 shillings pr hundred
and expected to be higher & other things in proportion, and many of the lower classes of people is hard set to make
it out, owing partly to low state of all kinds of trade.
Since I wrote last, Dear Jane hath improved a little and we thought it advisable to remove her from the Retreat,
hoping that a diferent scene might be of use to her; and she is now with thy Br Dan in Carlow, who is so kind as
to take charge of her with the assistance of a servant girl from the Retreat to take care of her, hoping the change
will be of use, I having to pay all charges &c &c. How long she may continue there is hard to say, but it would
not be advisable to bring her home untill she would be a great deal better. Dan opened shop in spring & I hear
he is doing pretty well and hath got into credit in a certain degree &£ while he keeps to the one business he may
make out a livelihood. His son John resides in Youghall, Geo & Anna & Mary Jane is at home & Margt &
Elizabeth is with me: the latter goes to school.
I hope by this time that thy son hath got recovered again, which wd be great satisfaction. I suppose it is dificult
to get any proffit out of thy farm that thou let out, if any [of] it is in produce. As the war in Canada seems quelled,
I suppose your side of the water is getting into a tranquill state; and the affairs of the Banks in the United States
will be on a permanent footing, so that trade may be restored as formerly. I would like you would write more
frequent to us as we wd be glad to hear how you are getting on. I bear that those that went to the Ohio & that
quarter succeeds better than some other places. As I expect this to go by Thos Richardson, son of Jas N. Richardson,
who is about to settle in Philadelphia where he has a prospect of embarking in the Linen business.
I am now past my 77rh year and my days seems getting to a span. I have many troubles to contend with; I trust
these afflictions may tend to wain [wean] me more & more from this uncertain world, that I may lay down my
head in peace. Sister is still able to go about, but was mostly confined to the house last winter. I remain with Dr
love to Ann & children

thy afft father.
John Greeves