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Title: O'Brien, Maria Wright to O'Brien, Margaretta, 1841
CollectionThe Transatlantic Letters of an Irish Quaker Family_1818-1877 [B. Jackson]
SenderO'Brien, Maria Wright
Sender Genderfemale
Sender Occupationstudent
Sender ReligionQuaker
OriginPhiladelphia, Penn., USA
DestinationLake Erie, NY, USA
RecipientO'Brien, Margaretta
Recipient Genderfemale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count470
Genrenews of family, socialising
TranscriptMy Dear Sister,
Although my letter is nearly full, I will answer thy kind and welcome letter. I am so glad that you are all so well
and getting along so nicely without being sick, although it is such a sickly season in that vicinity. I was truly
surprised to hear about Zach Rises death also about Aunt Smith. I see by Joseph's letter that you have had a good
many weddings in that neighborhood this winter. Tell Mary Ann that I am sorry to disappoint her and Mrs
O'Brien (or Mrs Oliver) but really I cannot take a great deal of... to please them. Tell her that they will have to
excuse me till some time in May or June to come home and perhaps later - all is uncertain. I would like to come
home as soon as the navigation opens in the spring if I could, but I hardly know what to do about it. Tell Mother
with my love that I wish she would tell me what to do about it, all things considered.
I was very glad to hear from our friends in Pontiac and likewise in Collins - please give my love to all who
ate so kind as to enquire about me. I went to the Jewish synagogue last 7th day and have also been to the Catholic
Cathedral, and I expect to go to see the Panorama of Jerusalem next week if nothing happens, and will tell you
all about the holy city when I come home. I often wish that thee could be with me and see all the things that I
have seen, as I think that if Aunt comes home with me I will get her to take thee home with her instead of me.
I will not say anything to her about it till we are there, as she might think thee too young for an escort to an old
woman. I will tell thee what Cousin Mary Greeves said when 1 read your letter to her: she was very much pleased
with it and praised it a great deal, but she said I must tell thee not to say "I take up my pen" whenever thee writes
a letter. I can say no more except farewell.

Thy afft sister
Maria O'Brien

I do not like to depend on Aunt going, but would like to be so I could go as soon as I chose in the spring.
With love to you all I remain
thy affectionate daughter
Maria Wright O'Brien

Joseph, when thee writes, pay the postage - I would have no difficulty in getting it then as they would leave it at
the door. Cousin James wrote to Father a few days before Christmas and he had no answer yet, which he thinks
is very strange.