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Title: O'Brien, Thomas Emlyn to O'Brien, Joseph Sinton, 1842
CollectionThe Transatlantic Letters of an Irish Quaker Family_1818-1877 [B. Jackson]
SenderO'Brien, Thomas Emlyn
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationstudent
Sender ReligionQuaker
OriginCollins, Lake Erie, NY, USA
DestinationNYC, USA
RecipientO'Brien, Joseph Sinton
Recipient Gendermale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count556
Genrefarming, news of family and friends
TranscriptCollins N-Y.
My dear Jo
I think thee will look for a few lines from me. I am quite well this spring. We have had a verry cold wet spell now
but I am in hopes that it will dear off fine. The oats is just comming up. We hav planted better than an acker of
potatos that is ... and we hav plowed that plas in the NW corner of the slashing and exspect to plant it as soon
as the weather will admit. The garden looks verry well. So far we hav verry good feed for the cattle and that is a
good thing. ... aint my colt verry fast: he is to[o] good to part with. He is as hansom as a picture. We think it is
best to rase it and to sell Pomp: what dose thee think. Pomp is one of the finest horses thare is and thee would not
no him if thee should see him ennywhare else, he has grone so and he fills out and looks more like what he ...
Thee spoke about R Healy weding. I was thare and no awl about it. Maria and I ware the onely ones chat was
there. We had a verry pleseint time, I can ashure thee. They were married about 3 oclock and then we took supper
and then the ceremony was over.
I was at Win Smiths this afternoon & P.S. She spoke about thee and asked if thee was coming home this
summer, hue I could not tell her. Young Hew Mac Millen was hear not long ago, asked a grate deal about thee.
I told him awl I could that consirned what thee had to do. I hardly no what to think of John: he is not doing much
for himself nor for enny one else. He is now, or he and Hew, has taken a [barn?] of Phebe to bild.
I hav rote so menny things in my other letter that I hardly no what to rite about that I hav not riten about. Ed
Sherman has taken his fathers farm and I belaeve that he is to live in the log hous, that is the one that they use to
liv in. S. Conger is has been verry sick indeed but he is a little on the gain. I saw him to day. Fidelia spoke about
thee and asked how thee liked living the sity. I told her thee liked it verry much, that the longer thee stade the better
thee liked it.
Daniel Lappen [?] took dinner hear today. He is to be at our meeting tomorrow. It being our monthly meeting,
I think we will try and go out. Bigalo [Bigelow] is agoing with a drove some time this spring: I dont no wether
to ask him to carry a letter or not. I hav [not] bean enny whare visiting yet this spring for we have been so busy
with the team, but we have got throu except to brake up a plas more for potatoes. We mean to have enof potatoes for once.
It is about a 11 odock in the evening and so I close with saying good evening and hopeing this will find thee well.

Care of Abraham Bell Joseph S. O'Brien
117 Fulton St, New York