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Title: O'Brien, Margaretta to O'Brien, Joseph Sinton, 1842
CollectionThe Transatlantic Letters of an Irish Quaker Family_1818-1877 [B. Jackson]
SenderO'Brien, Margaretta
Sender Genderfemale
Sender Occupationstudent
Sender ReligionQuaker
OriginCollins, Lake Erie, NY, USA
DestinationNYC, USA
RecipientO'Brien, Joseph Sinton
Recipient Gendermale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count526
Genrenews of family and friends
TranscriptCollins 16th 10 mo 1842

Dear Brother.
I am glad that thee has written me some questions to answer so that I may have something to write about; now I
will answer all that I can. Thomas works and boards at Lad's and he will give him $10 a month as long as he will
stay. I expect that he will stay until next Spring if Father did not want him. Ann [Widderfield] is ten years old and
is only four feet high — she seems very contented and very often says how happy I am here. I have not been visiting
very much this Summer as Maria taught School and when I had any time to spare I wanted to go to school and
for that reason I did not go visiting very much. I have not been down to Pontiac since last winter but perhaps I
shall go before long since Thomas is there and is home every week or two, and perhaps I shall have an opportunity
before spring to go. I believe that I have answered all of your questions.
Maria is in Buffalo now and we dont know when she will come home. Mother wrote to her and told her to
write to thee and tell thee how to send that box. I expect that thee has heard who sent that box by now. Daniel
says to tell Joseph that we have not got the Potatoes dug yet on account of the wet weather, that they are not
turning out as they expected but that is the case all over the country. Abijah [Smith] has sold his land joining ours
to Horace Eaton.

Seventh Day evening
Maria has been home but she is in Pontiac now; but we expect her home tomorrow and Thomas with her for he
has not been home for three weeks. Mary Arnold is married to Newton H. I suppose that thee can guess the rest
of the name. We heard nothing of it until it was all over. I heard that they had a good many there. Old Aunt
Washburn is dead. Elija Pratt's wife is so sick that we expect every day to hear of her death: she has been sick a
good while.

Sixth day
She is not living now, Father attended her funeral yesterday, which was a very large one. Stephen and C Hussey
and Eliza Kerr was with them and we had a good visit. C.H. always wants to hear thy letters, she is so interested
about thee. Harriet White751 is married to Cary Adams and they are gone on a visit to his Father in Ohio. Thomas
has not been at home for five weeks until last evening and he brought Huldah and V. and Antoinette P. with him.
They were very much pleased with their visit and I was very glad that they came.

3rd day
Maria wrote to thee twice while in Buffalo. She has been home since, preparing to go to housekeeping and just
left yesterday to go by way of Pontiac and expects there is a letter there for her from thee. I remain

thy affectionate sister