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Title: O'Brien, Joseph Sinton to O'Brien (n. Greeves), Anne, 1843
CollectionThe Transatlantic Letters of an Irish Quaker Family_1818-1877 [B. Jackson]
SenderO'Brien, Joseph Sinton
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationclerk
Sender ReligionQuaker
OriginNYC, USA
DestinationCollins, Lake Erie, NY, USA
RecipientO'Brien (n. Greeves), Anne
Recipient Genderfemale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count964
Genrebusiness transactions, prospects, advice on the farm, news of family and friends
TranscriptNew York 5 Mo 22 1843

Dear Mother
I rec'd thy letter enclosing one from father to cousin George day before yesterday. It came so soon after thy last
one that I tho't before opening it that it contained bad news, and was very agreeably surprised at what it contained.
I will forward cousin G's letter by the Great Western that sails in 3 days, 25th Inst, and in 14 days it will be with
him. I see that Father is disposed to give him the dark side of the picture and let him know before coming what
to expect, and I think it was the best thing he could do and then let him judge for himself; and if he does come I
dont think he will be disappointed unless it be agreeably.
I suppose you have seen my letters to Thos and the boys that I sent by I. Potter before this. I was much surprised
to see him walk into the office one morning. I believe he succeeded very well in purchasing goods. Andrew wrote
a letter to me saying he would trust him to any amount and would not hesitate to recommend him to any person
that had goods to sell, and asked me to assist him in any way that I could; but I reccommended him to no one nor would not do it. I suppose you knew that Andrew had employed me Co transact some business for J Kerr.
I attended to it and wrote him that I would charge him ½ per cent commission but did not send him my acct as
I expected he would want my services again, but I. Potter mended to it while here. The amount of ray
[commission] was to be placed to Father's credit in J. Kerr's books. Andrew wrote me by I. P that he had done so,
bur says nothing about the amount. Now I want Father to find out how much he has given him credit for: it
should be $4,29 viz. % commission on $757.52 and 50 cts postage on his letter to me enclosing notes. Now I
imagine that he has given credit (or the commission only, and think I will say nothing about the postage, but he
shall pay it for he should have prepaid it when sending the letter. I handed him my account by I. E from which
is to be deducted the price of a handkerchief to be given to Thos which is not to be over 3 shillings. I dont know
but Andrew will think I am learning to be dose if nothing more, but it is no more than fair, and James says I had
a right to charge him one per cent and all expenses.
I rec'd another letter from Aunt S. a few days ago, to which was annex'd one for thee which I enclose. She
speaks very discouragingly of Grandfather but I need make no remarks as thee can read for thyself. I shall be
writing to her before long and if thee has any thing to [say to] her let me know in thy next. ] have been quite well
since writing last. I. P. told me that I looked better than when I left home, and I imagine I do myself but dont
think I am any stronger yet as I have not done growing yet; thee need nor tell anybody but I am only six ft one
and a halt!! Thee wants to know what Abm thinks of my staying. I showed him thine and Father's that I reed
sometime ago and he seemed very well satisfied to have me say. I do not know what I will have this year but am
not at all uneasy about that because I have lived here long enough to know that they will not let me go unrewarded,
and 1 think I shall be able to save at the end of the year 40 or 50 dollars at least, which will be of more use to father
than all I could do at home under existing circumstances. If I had been at home last year, all my summer's work
would have been lost as all the crops failed. I would not advise Father to till much land but mow all he can. I think
it would be best to sell Pompey at once, if you can do without him. as thee says he is so tender, and this I think would
be a good time of year to sell; and the other colt, which thee says is so large and strong, Thos might break to drive
next winter. I am only suggesting these things and you that are on the spot must judge of the propriety of them.
Abm’s family are well. Tho1 and Eliza have a daughter. William Bell has got his family out to this country.
Thomas Richardson's Brother arrived here about two weeks ago. He is now in Canada. We have very fine weather
here - the leaves are on the trees. I was much surprised to have a letter from the boys and to see that they could
write so well. I will write to Maria in a day or two. Write often. Father says to cousin G that I may go with him
to see you. Ought I? nothing would give me more pleasure. This letter is not very long but I must close. Remember
me to ail as if named. Give Willie a kiss for me and tell him to kiss Margaretta for me; tell the boys I would like
to see them. With love to all, and Maria when thee sees her, I remain

thy affectionate son

I retain a copy of Aunts letter. Yearly Meeting next week.