Title: | O'Donnell, Annie to Phelan, James, 1902 |
ID | 6247 |
Collection | Your Fondest Annie: Letters from Annie O'Donnel to James P.Phelan [A. O'Donnell] |
File | fondestan/10 |
Year | 1902 |
Sender | O'Donnell, Annie |
Sender Gender | female |
Sender Occupation | children's maid |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | Pittsburgh, Penn., USA |
Destination | Indianapolis, Indiana, USA |
Recipient | Phelan, James |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | friends |
Source | |
Archive | |
Doc. No. | |
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Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | |
Log | unknown |
Word Count | 593 |
Genre | travelling, Xmas, family |
Note | |
Transcript | [Pittsburgh, Pa.] January 11, 1902 My dear Jim, It is almost time that I should acknowledge your letter, but it is not through forgetfulness that I did not do so. We have been kept pretty busy since I wrote you last, and I have not dropped a line to a creature since the holidays. Xmas time is so very busy with us taking the children to parties and so forth, and I am glad its all over now. Our folks are getting ready for Florida. We expect to leave here about the first week of February. I have no idea yet how far south we are going, so you see we do not stay long in Pittsburgh for which I am very glad, as I am not dead in love with it. Though all my friends are here, it would not cost me a thought to go a thousand miles away from it. I don't wear out my welcome. When I was penniless and alone the day you left me at the Union depot, soon after that I found who my future friends would be. They were very very few, so do you blame me for being reserved and independent now. You will consider me hard for writing such a sentence I know, but I have to say what I think to one whom I consider a friend. The old saying let the past bury its dead should be my rule, but unfortunately I am of the type that feels the sting long after the bite. Well, we had rather a pleasant Xmas beginning that beautiful morn by going to early mass which is the principal event of the day with us notwithstanding the long walk to the church after two hours sleep. We never get to bed before two on Christmas night owing to the decorating of the Xmas tree that Santa is supposed to bring the little ones. We all got very nice gifts. Indeed, everybody remembered us most kindly. I am so sorry to have disappointed the Brooklyn brothers. I wish when your sister would write she would tell them, and if ever an opportunity be within my reach again, I assure you I'll try my hardest to see them. I hope all your friends are well. How nice it would be for your sister if she would try to become a trained hospital nurse, something which I will try someday to be. I have not heard any more from you trying to get on the fire department. Jim, there is nothing like trying to elevate yourself. I have come to that conclusion a long time ago. Almost every morning when taking my boy to school, I pass by the engine house and never do I pass that house without thinking of you in connection with it though why I cannot tell. I always picture you in one of their rigs. You said you were coming to Pittsburgh, but not till summer. That seems so undecided!! Still, it is something for me to be looking forward to. This is about the 20th time I have started this letter, writing about a sentence each time. Well, Jim, don't keep the answer to this as long-as I did yours, for Til be anxiously waiting for a line from you. My heart would be good enough to write you every day, so you see you have my good will as my nonsensical letters don't count much. Don't forget to write as soon as possible. I am, Jim X As ever same old Annie |