Title: | O'Donnell, Annie to Phelan, James, 1902 |
ID | 6251 |
Collection | Your Fondest Annie: Letters from Annie O'Donnel to James P.Phelan [A. O'Donnell] |
File | fondestan/14 |
Year | 1902 |
Sender | O'Donnell, Annie |
Sender Gender | female |
Sender Occupation | children's maid |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | Miami, Florida, USA |
Destination | Indianapolis, Indiana, USA |
Recipient | Phelan, James |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | friends |
Source | |
Archive | |
Doc. No. | |
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Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | |
Log | unknown |
Word Count | 140 |
Genre | quick note |
Note | |
Transcript | Hotel Royal Palm Miami, Fla. Wednesday night Dear Jim, A few lines just to let you know I have not entirely forgotten you as I fear you did not receive my parcel of the 14th which has worried me very much indeed as I had a note enclosed. I am sure I put your address on properly. I wish you would write by return if possible so that I may see to it before leaving which we expect to on Tuesday next. I must hurry for the mail, and I am so sorry for leaving here. I don't know what to do. I had such a delightful time. Excuse this hurried note and don't notice the writing. Hope to hear from you very soon. remain as ever Annie Address: A. O'Donnell c/o W L. Mellon Hotel Royal Palm Miami Florida |