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Title: O'Donnell, Annie to Phelan, James, 1902
CollectionYour Fondest Annie: Letters from Annie O'Donnel to James P.Phelan [A. O'Donnell]
SenderO'Donnell, Annie
Sender Genderfemale
Sender Occupationchildren's maid
Sender Religionunknown
OriginSpring Lake, New Jersey, USA
DestinationIndianapolis, Indiana, USA
RecipientPhelan, James
Recipient Gendermale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count622
Genrefamily, news, holiday
TranscriptSpring Lake, NJ.
Thursday night
7? August 1902

Dear Jim,
I am very sorry to see by your letter that your sister has gone so far
away from you notwithstanding your efforts to be together. It must
have come hard on both, but you see that the nearest and dearest
must part, and I feel sorry for her, poor girl, if she has to go among
strangers, for in this weary world, there is not much to depend on.
You know when I first started out in Pittsburgh there was no one
willing to give me a helping hand. On the contrary, [they] tried to push me down in my superior's estimation because I had just
landed!! Still, I pulled through all after my poor heart was nearly
broken, and those who were meanest to me then, now envy me my
position. I wish your sister had come to Pittsburgh instead of going
in the opposite direction.I at least would do my best to help her
and then perhaps you would come and see us. Our city is not very
prepossessing but it is the best yet for work and wages.
Has your sister gone to Iowa for good or only for the summer? I
hope you will write to her often, for a nice letter when one is lonely
helps a good deal and always remember me to her.
We had quite a day at Sea Girt on 24th. The President visited
the Camp as was anticipated, and everything was done so well that
the boys in blue really did deserve credit for once. We all went out
and had a good look at Roosevelt, and we did have a glorious time.
The soldiers will soon be going home now, so that there is very
little left in Spring Lake to make it lively. For some reason this has
been the worst summer for both hotels and cottages. About one
half are vacant and at times it looks quite deserted, more like late
fall than its busiest season. Ellen and I had an afternoon off last
week. We went to Asbury Park thence to Pleasure Bay by trolley.
We had a delightful time and enjoyed our ride immensely.
Well, Jim, I did fail to catch the meaning of that sentence in your
last letter although why I cannot tell as you wrote it plain enough.
It would be a joke, but I rarely answer the door bell. Still, I wish you
would spring a surprise on us one of these days. Of course, I am
glad you liked my picture, and hope you noticed your gift which I
only wear on special occasions.
Now don't you worry too hard about your sister. Remember
there is no real happiness in this world, for are we not every year -
nay - every day - parting from some loved one. Still, God brings
everything about in his own good way, and I think trust in Him is
always the best, so you cheer up now, and let us hope that there is at least one ray of happiness in store for us. Every cloud has its silver
lining and perhaps ours will yet shine.
I hope you will excuse grammar and all mistakes as the girls
guessed who I was writing to, so they suggested all kinds of things
to tell you.
Do write me soon and do you know that on 3rd August one year
ago, your first letter reached me written on 20th July. I saw it last
night when looking through my diary. Now must finish for this time
hoping to hear from you real soon.
I say a fond good night and remain as ever Annie
with love. x.