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Title: O'Donnell, Annie to Phelan, James, 1902
CollectionYour Fondest Annie: Letters from Annie O'Donnel to James P.Phelan [A. O'Donnell]
SenderO'Donnell, Annie
Sender Genderfemale
Sender Occupationchildren's maid
Sender Religionunknown
OriginPittsburgh, Penn., USA
DestinationIndianapolis, Indiana, USA
RecipientPhelan, James
Recipient Gendermale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count605
Genrereminiscing, news,
Transcript[4616 Bayard Avenue
Pittsburgh, Pa.]
Nov, 17, 1902

My dear Jim,
I cannot tell you how glad I was to know that you consulted the
doctor about your cough. Though it may have appeared too trifling
in the start to bother about, still a little attention at first is worth a
good deal afterwards, but you will be all right. Sometimes it only
requires a little attention to set matters right. Only don't you be so
hard on yourself. Take things easier and remember your health is
more important than anything else. Now, Jim, when you get this, I
want you to let me know exactly how you are progressing as I will
feel quite anxious till I hear from you again. I wish I could do
something for you, if I could cheer you up a bit, but I feel too sad or
lonely or something tonight to write even a cheery note.
It may be the dull, dark weather. At least I'll blame that, but we have had perfect weather for ever so long until today when we had
the lights burning all this afternoon. It reminds me of the day after
you arrived here, only you are missing. Jim, that was the happy
week! I wonder when there will be one like it. Come again. It would
be something to look forward to, but in your nice letter, I see that it
will be just when you can, and you could not do me a greater favour
than that of trusting me to remain faithful to you. No matter what's
said, you will be the one I shall rely on. Nothing will ever win me but
kindness and that's what softened my heart first towards you.
Mrs. Mellon treated us to tickets for the theatre last week, and
maybe I didn't enjoy it. Such a jolly piece, 'Williams and Walker in
Dahomey'. Well, Jim, you could have heard me laugh for squares.
In fact, the whole audience was but one continuous roar. Then on
Friday night last, Ellen and I went to see Andrew Mack as Tom
Moore. It was very good. [It was] my first time to hear Mack's
captivating voice. I was enthusiastic over the whole piece, the scene
being laid in Ireland. Now, you would have liked it as I know you
like Moore. Poor fellow, his love affairs certainly did not run
smooth, but nevertheless, his faithful lady gave up wealth etc. for
him, a poor poet. I think I would have done the same.
How are all your friends and have they talked much about me
lately? Anyhow give them my regards always. Ellen and Rose wish
to be most kindly remembered to you. Poor Ellen has had quite
a time with her eyes and been to the doctor all week. We sew late
every evening and that may have caused it. Now she is getting better.
Well, Jim dear, hoping you will be all right soon. I now must
finish. Will be looking for an answer real soon. You see we all have
our troubles in this world. It is always something. I often wonder
why things are so, but Heaven knows best and fits each one to their
own cross. Heaven has always been my friend and it is to the One
above that I raise my heart and hands at night for you, poor though my prayers may be. So now, dear Jim, it is time I should say I
will bid you a fond good night and will always remain your fondest
Annie - xxxxxx
Write just as soon as you can -