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Title: O'Donnell, Annie to Phelan, James, 1904
CollectionYour Fondest Annie: Letters from Annie O'Donnel to James P.Phelan [A. O'Donnell]
SenderO'Donnell, Annie
Sender Genderfemale
Sender Occupationchildren's maid
Sender Religionunknown
Originthe Vagabondia boat
DestinationPhiladelphia, Penn., USA
RecipientPhelan, James
Recipient Gendermale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count352
Genreholiday, travelling
Transcript[Vagabondia stationery]
March 24th, 1904

My dear Jim,
Mr. Mellon came here on Sunday last and took us all on the boat
early on Monday, but we are now going right back again to the
hotel, and Mr. Mellon is going to Texas again. We will leave the
Royal Palm on Sunday 27th and go as far north as St. Augustine where we will stay till Mr. M. comes. Then we will go on board the
boat for a short trip before going home.
Now, doesn't that sound good? Just think of moving north even
if it takes a few weeks more to get home. Still, it is a consolation to
know that we are getting nearer home at last. The weather is fearful
hot here now, and I am so glad to know we are going to where we
will have a chance of being at least a little cooler as St. Augustine is
more than a night's ride by rail north of Miami. The boat goes
north by ocean. We expect Mr. M. back from Texas again by the
first of April. It all depends on him how soon we may be able to
get home.
I know your last Sunday's letter will be waiting for me at the
hotel, and I am so anxious to know where you are now and if you
are doing well. I have the meanest pen but will only write a few lines
just to let you know our whereabouts.
Since Monday last we have visited some of the best fishing
places in the country, and it is beautiful on the water these
moonlight lights. We are doing nicely and would feel ever so much
better if we were going home. St. Augustine is a beautiful city just
full of interest, and I am glad we are going there.
So now, dear Jim, hoping you and the friends are well, I will
finish for this time. Remember me to your uncle. I haven't heard
from him. Will write you again as soon as we get to St. Augustine.
With love as ever Annie xxxx