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Title: Morell, John to Morell, Hugh, 1828
CollectionNew Brunswick Letters
SenderMorell, John
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationunknown
Sender Religionunknown
OriginMill Brook, Ireland
DestinationN.Brunswick, Canada
RecipientMorell, Hugh
Recipient Gendermale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count833
Genredecease, asks him to come home, friends, family news, sending things
TranscriptMill Brook April 7th 1828

My Dear Hugh

Your letter for W Mullins came safe to him and and gave us a pleasure beyond any thing we ever expected to have concerning you To think that you were (not only) enjoying health but in the receipt of a handsome Salary – Oh my Dear Hugh how thankful you ought to be, to that Great Being who directs all our Steps – I hope and pray that He may ever direct you and Keep you from going astray –
To give you the good News of the Country would be a pleasure to me; But Alas: how can I
venture to communicate to you, the heart rendering news, of your poor Wife’s Decease – On the very Day that your letter got to [Kildaugh] bringing her the welcome news of your welfare and the still welcome news of Something to relieve her [necessity] did she breath her last –
On hearing of her Decase I wrote to James to hear particulars; but he could give none on
account of his being in Belfast at the time he only Said that he was happy to find that Miss Ross was very fond of and very attentive to your Children ---- We have been thinking that this event may perhaps be the means of inducing you to come home again Sooner than you calculated on doing – But my opinion would be that So long as you are able to save £20 or 25 per Annum that you could not do as well for your Family at least until the rent charge and other Debts would be paid off, but of this you will Judge for yourself --- you wished me to give you all the news about Bryan Jennys family – they all arrived Safe after a severe passage Rented David George’s old farm 6 Acres at £9 per Annum this has given a great many people a very bad opinion of that part of the world where you are to think that this family even at Such expenses going to it and came home again and pays 30 Shillings per Acre for very poor land -----
Jack got married shortly after his arrival to a Daughter of Jack Lindsays – Billy has been unwell for some time the rest all as usual
There has not been any changes among any of your relations since you left us Abby & Eliza has been living with me Since may last I was over at [Armay] at Christmas last Henry was in good health and Seemed to be doing a good deal of Small business – His wife and youngest Child Seemed to be unhealthy and I have not heard of any great change on their health since
I was two nights in Williams [Lynds], he – Jane & the Family are well – James & his family are
well his eldest Son is in Belfast at college – Harry [Martin] Family are in health no change otherwise Since Henry Moran and his two Neices Still in a State of celibacy – Henry Olivers family well the Second Daughter (Bell) got Married to a W Akin of Ballayhaniden – Old Bob Murrells family well all but himself he is old and getting very frail his other Daughter married to John Blair a Son of old James – Jenny McLaughlin married to a cousin of her own but of this Mr Mullins can give the best account ------
Robert Murrell and Family all well his elusive Son goes out immediately to the United States to John – Our friends in Ballywillin I believe are well at last. I have not heard any thing to the contrary Wm McLaughlin & wife as well [tear in page] usual, and by all appearances well So as an addition to their Family—
The best friend always last Aunt Mary as well as when you left this – and far better that some of his best friends would wish her to be – I can say no more my news and my paper seems both to be done – The Jersey Track you mentioned I was to receive from Mr Mullins has not come to hand – The Shirts which you wished us to send you would have been Sent but your friend has taken us so short that we had not time to get them ready for you - nor had we time to write to James who wished me to let him know when he would be ready to go – that he might write you – from the State of his health we did not think he would go sooner than him –
From his Brother Jack going with him I fear he will occupy your Situation if so you must not
complain Mr Mullins has been a great friend to you – you must be grateful to him and very attentive to his interest – Above all Be grateful to your God who has blessed you with such health and prosperity, may they long be your lot prays your ever affectionate

Brother John Murrell