Title: | Sproule, Dr R to Inch, George, 1899 |
ID | 6443 |
Collection | New Brunswick Letters |
File | newbrunswick/78 |
Year | 1899 |
Sender | Sproule, Dr R |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | doctor |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | Boston, Mass., USA |
Destination | St. John, N.Brunswick, Canada |
Recipient | Inch, George |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | doctor-patient |
Source | |
Archive | |
Doc. No. | |
Date | |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | |
Log | unknown |
Word Count | 360 |
Genre | treatment |
Note | |
Transcript | 7 Doane St., Boston, Apr. 24/99 Mr. Geo. Inch, Oak Point, N.B. My dear patient, I have received your letter of 21st inst. and in reply will say that I greatly regret the fact of your having taken such a severe cold for of course it would keep you back considerably, and counteract the action of the medicines. It is however evident that the treatment is perfectly adapted to your case, for you have certainly realized much benefit already, and your system is now being strengthened and built up, so a stronger course of medicines will now be received most effectually. I have consulted my chief assistant physicians regarding the case and we have agreed upon a treatment for you which is prescribed with special reference to your present condition as explained in your report, and therefore it cannot fail to continue the good work which is going on as it is directed to the very seat of disease. The symptoms which you have described are marked ones, and prove to me that the disease is gradually yielding and that patience and perseverance alone are necessary for the realization of our aims. I shall furnish you with the next course of treatment for $7.00, which is barely sufficient to cover cost of ingredients, time of packing etc. and I want you to send for it right away as your remedies must be exhausted by this time and it would be unwise to allow you to remain any length of time without them. I have had my chemist begin preparing them, so no delay will occur after your order arrives, and you can either remit the money when you next write, or I will have the medicines forwarded and allow you to send the amount after you have received the box. I am greatly interested in you, and believe now that the more favourable Spring weather is here and you will not be kept back by such drawbacks as colds etc. you will make rapid progress toward complete recovery. Awaiting your early reply believe me as ever, with an earnest interest in your welfare, Very kindly your physician, R. Sproule M.D. |