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Title: McCarthy, Katie to McCarthy, John & Thomas, c.1903
CollectionNew Brunswick Letters
SenderMcCarthy, Katie
Sender Genderfemale
Sender Occupationunknown
Sender Religionunknown
OriginNewcastle, N.Brunswick, Canada
DestinationLa Crosse, Wisconsin, USA?
RecipientMcCarthy, John & Thomas
Recipient Gendermale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count423
Genrefamily news, mill was damaged
TranscriptDear Brot[damage]

pretty well and [hope] to find you the same we got your letter a Thursday night. Sunday &
Monday was very cold and it rained heavy a Wednesday night. Everything is very dull there is
no smelts. They are sawing birch now th[damage] is 18 or 20 men there Philip is [hauling] the
wood to the mill with Mollie. Arch is working in the mill. The P.I. drives Maude he hauls squares
and goes up and down every night and morning. Little Fred is home out of the woods nearly a
fort[damage] as with Martin [damage]en go to [damage]ednesday [morning] [damage] to haul
the stack of hay and [damage] out yet. Jack Morman is lumbering yet and Mich Sheehan and
Jack Quigley are lumbering to on Sheehan’s place. Are there many boarding in the house ye are
in. Tom papa wants to know how good watches sells [ou]t there. I dont hear much about the
[p]rice of hay for I dont hear of anyone buying or selling but I think you will get good hay for 10
& 11 dollars. We don’t know yet but I think we may have enough for our stock and for
ourselves we are not not wanting for anythink thank God [damage] what [damage] from the
mill was very g[damage] sold his [colt] [damage] $130 but we do [damage] is not worth writing
for the [damage] nobody going around and a very poor road on the ice. Ellin Barry went away
and Dan is keeping house all alone, We heard from ye the time Jack Nugent got his letter. Mike
went down to [damage] Jim different times [damage] and he wasn’t home he stays up day &
night he is gone up to the mill to see him and if he gets a chance he [damage]hen one writes
they [damage] and mike says he does not [know] any thing to write Tell Tom A will write to him
when he comes out from Bartibogue. We are sending ye the papers and if ye have any nice
ones you might [s]end me one. Excuse bad writing and poor paper. No [n]ews this time I have
may have more the next time. The old woman says she is gone to be in the store for the winter.
(top of page)
Write soon. [Ma]mma and Papa [sen]ds their com[plim]ents to both [damage] [damage]
Mccarthy [damage] ned will [damage] another [damage] full of [damage]opes. To both John &
Tom all Say Good Bye and dont be lonesome. Tom write soon