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Title: unknown to a friend, 1903
CollectionNew Brunswick Letters
Sender Gender
Sender Occupationunknown
Sender Religion
OriginLower Derby, N.Brunswick, Canada
Recipienta friend
Recipient Genderunknown
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count424
TranscriptLower Derby, N.B.
Jan. 1, 1903.

Dear Friend:

I received your letter Christmas morning, and was glad to hear you were both well and
enjoying yourselves. How did You spend Christmas in Yankee land-? I came home Christmas
Eve, there was lovely going on the ice, not a bit of snow on the road we had a green Christmas
All day long we only saw two or three wagons on the road. We had a storm since, not a big one,
but enough to make good sleighing. Amos, Rine and I drove to town yesterday. Amos came
home Christmas Eve too. Silas came with him as far as Houlton, he stayed there at an aunt’s.
We had a letter from him this morning, he said he had a fine time Christmas. He won’t come
home at all now this winter. Amos will likely go away again in a little while I saw Richard
Chiston’s wife at the Union the day I came up. There was a young man there, just home from
the States, who wished her much happiness and called her Lill, so I know it must be her. I have
not met her yet.
Everything was the same as usual in Bartibogue when I came up. Mr Currie was down on
his ice boat one day, he was up to the shop, he bid me good-bye and said he was going to
Baltimore about a week after Christmas. I suppose he is off by this time He was likely around
inspecting all the schools, he still had the cold, the peppermints did not cure it. I am up a week
to-day I’ll perhaps be up a little over another week may be two. I am going to take the good of
it The old lady is tending shop. I suppose she don’t care how long I stay. I suppose you had all
the news long before this. Mr Mrs Ray and all the rest were well. They moved up to the new
camp a day or two before I left. It will be quite lonely in Bartibogue this winter. The counting
stick came to grief the other day. It has been idle this long time, I had no wool to work with, did
not get a chance to get any, so I brought it up home, and some one slammed the lid of my trunk
on it and cracked it, but I tied it up, and got to work again. The girls told me they saw you in
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