Title: | McCarthy, Thomas to his family, 1870 |
ID | 6486 |
Collection | New Brunswick Letters |
File | newbrunswick/121 |
Year | 1870 |
Sender | McCarthy, Thomas |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | labourer |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | Menominee, Michigan, USA |
Destination | Newcastle, N.Brunswick, Canada |
Recipient | his family |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | son-parents |
Source | |
Archive | |
Doc. No. | |
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Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | |
Log | unknown |
Word Count | 356 |
Genre | work, family, sending photographs, friends |
Note | |
Transcript | Menominee July 20 1870 My Dear Mother & Brothers I now write you these few lines hoping they may find you all in as good Health as the are leaving me here at present thank god. James I received your letter on Last evening and was glad to hear you were all well and doing well. I have no news to write the times here are about the Same as when you left. I am working with old Fitzimons on Sam Stephensons new House i am with him three weeks now the wages is only $2..25 cts per day and Board I board to Roland Harrises. Mike and Family are all well. I had a letter from oshkosh yesterday Johny is getting Some Better he can walk round the house now but there is quite a lump on his hip yet. he has got no appetite i Sent to oshkosh for him to day i am going to keep him here for a month or two to see if the Change of air will do him any good Kate was Sick for the last week or i would have John down here now. I went to [gauges] yesterday for to have my likeness taken but the old Cuss made a Poor hand of it but at all Events here it is Such as it is i got two the other one I will Send you next time on i will have another one taken the first good Chance there is nothing of any importance here that I could mention to you only John Waddell Come down Here and Stoped a day or Two and then Started for Pugit Sound [W ty] I have no news to write only my love to my mother and Brothers and Friends let me know how is Michael Kenah or if he is Married yet or does Thos Wallace live in Bartibogue yet. this is an awful Squally Season here. I Suppose you heard the N. york mill was burned and they are building another Write Son and let me know all the news My Love to all Yours, Thos McCarthy |