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Title: Committee (passengers) at the Aeolus to Sir Robert Gore Booth, 1847
CollectionNew Brunswick Letters
SenderCommittee (passengers) at the Aeolus
Sender Gender
Sender Occupationunknown
Sender Religionunknown
OriginPartridge Island, St. John, N.Brunswick, Canada
DestinationCo. Sligo, Ireland
RecipientSir Robert Gore Booth
Recipient Gendermale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count257
Genreaccount of passage
TranscriptSir Robert Gore Booth, Bart. Partridge Island

Honoured Sir, St. Johns N B. June 5th 1847.

We beg leave to inform your honour that we have arrived on the 31st of many Inst. after five
weeks passage all in good health with the Ecceptions of a few which was removed to hospital we intered twenty-six on our passage who was weak and destitute before we left home on the Evening of the 25th of April we had a dreadful storm the Sea washing fore and aft we had to close the hatches and nail them down and all passengers on board Eccepted a watery Grave our Captain paid very good attention during the voyage and particularry during the Storm which Continued for four days the passengers are thankful to their Captain for the distributation of provissions giving all the same Justice, the widows orphans and sick were kindly treated our Captains advice to his passengers had a good effect there was not a single riot or a stroke struck during the voyage. The passengers are thankful to Henry Gore Booth Esq. for the good Store of provissions and good quality put on board the Ship Æolus of Greenock. a list of Committee of the Ship Æolus Mathias Ferguson head Maneger :
Edw. Jhonston.
Robt. Grey.
Patrick Gillou.
Hugh Crystal.
Patt Hart.
Denis Gilloon.
Charles Jones.
John McLovney.
Thomas Gillin.
Patt McLoughlin.
Andy Gilloon.
Adam Johnston.
James Munns.
Bryan Feeney.
Patt Feeney.
Patt Boyle.
Michl Smith.
Thomas Reelly.
Wm Ferguson.
Wm Johnston.
Owen John.
Patt Havaghty.
John Gillian.