Title: | Blake, John to Blake, Thomas, 1676 |
ID | 6614 |
Collection | Irish Immigrants in the Land of Canaan. Letters and memoirs from colonial and revolutionary America (1675-1815) [K.A. Miller et al.] |
File | caanan/21 |
Year | 1676 |
Sender | Blake, John |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | farmer, planter |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | Bridgetown, Barbados |
Destination | Galway, Co. Galway, Ireland |
Recipient | Blake, Thomas |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | brothers |
Source | |
Archive | |
Doc. No. | |
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Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | |
Log | unknown |
Word Count | 495 |
Genre | family affairs, commerce |
Note | |
Transcript | John Blake, Bridgetown, Barbados, Thomas Blake, Galway, County Galway,28 July 1676 Bridge in Barbados, 28 July 1676. Deare Brother My last unto you was on the 14th of xbr last by the way of London since which I did till now forbeare to trouble you with any unnecessarie lines; yours of the 17th of Feb. last with its inclosed acct I have recd . For your great care and paines taken about my children I am to you infinitely beholden for which I render you all possible thankes: I hope God Allmightie will reward your great charitie extended towards me and mine the continuance whereof I most earnestly begge. I have p. this convenience ordered my correspondent at London by name Nathaniell Bridges to remitt you £25 sterl. towards the reliefe of my children which is little enough; but this our present croppe proving so extreame bad as it doth and my purchasing of my brother Henrys share of the plantation that was in halves betweene us at Montserrat, hindered me from sending a larger reliefe according to my ardent desire, for which I am exceedingly grieved; however by sending any more than the said summe I cannot otherwise help myselfe at present. I hope God Allmightie will for the future enable me to provide more plentifully for them, which to bringe to passe, my utmost industrie will never be wanting: here inclosed is a couple of lines from Mr Carpenter according your desire; to my honoured Father and mother I pray you present my must humble dutie whose blessings I most humbly crave whom be pleased to acquaint that my wife and myselfe doe injoy very well our healths, for which the Lord of Heaven be ever praised. To my Father I would have written but that I am loathe to trouble him with the perusall of frivolous lines, whose sight I most vehemently long for, which if I had competent meanes to remove from hence I would quickly attempt to injoy; in the meantime I must have patience: the inclosed for my sister Mary I pray you cause to be delivered and the inclosed for my brother Henry who is homeward bound I leave open that you may understand ofpart of my grievances. If further imploymt will not come upon me more than now I have, I am resolved as soon as I can discharge myself from hence, to remove for Montserrat and there to settle myselfe for some years to ye end I may in time gaine something for to bring me at last home. My wife remembered herself most kindly to you & to your wife my sister, to whom & to her Reverend Parents and her brothers James and Patricke I pray you present my most faithfull love & service: your nephew Thomas is well in health, who I hope will doe well in time, being all at present from Your most faithfull Brother & humble servt John Blake |