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Title: Brown, Samuel to Brown, David, 1793
CollectionIrish Immigrants in the Land of Canaan. Letters and memoirs from colonial and revolutionary America (1675-1815) [K.A. Miller et al.]
SenderBrown, Samuel
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationglazier, house-painter
Sender Religionunknown
OriginPhiladelphia, USA
DestinationPhiladelphia, USA
RecipientBrown, David
Recipient Gendermale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count1330
Genreaccount of passage, arrival at colonies
TranscriptSamuel Brown, Philadelphia, to David Brown, Mill Street, Belfast, 23 December 1793
Philadelphia Decr 23rd 1793
Dear Brother
I take this oportunity [opportunity?] of
Wrighting [writing?] you a few Lines to Lett [let?] you know
that I am in good health at Preasant [present?] thanks be to
God and hoping these Lines Will find you and My sister and
the children Injoying [enjoying?] the seam [same?] as is my
Ever sinsere [sincere?] wish - Dr [dear?] David I hope youl
[you will?] not think mee [me?] Ungreatfull [ungrateful?] not
Wrighting [wirting?] to you Sooner for the times has been so
very disagreeable sins [since?] I came here I [Desianed?] to
give you as full an acount [account?] of this Country as an
acount [account?] of this Country as possabl [possible?] - I
had a very Good passage of Eight Weeks and two days Without
the least sickness on the passage there was a feavour
[fever?] aboard but Not Mortal Wee [we?] Landed at New
Castle on the Eight [eighth?] Day of September
on account of a Feavour [fever?] that Prevealed [prevailed?]
in Philadelphia Thomas Stewart and Thos [Thomas?] Smyth and I
thought it better to Detain there for a few days to [till?]
Wee [we?] could Hear a better acount [account?] of the
sickness which I think was very fortunate for us only that I
took a Feavour [fever?] which continued for Near Four Weeks I
would seen More of this Country only on that acount
[account?] for the Feavour [fever?] was so shocking in
Philadelphia I stoped [stopped?] there for Eight Weeks Which
Cost Mee [me?] ten Guineas Without -
I came to this Sitty [city?] on the 7th of Novb. [November?]
which was Nearly the end of the sickness When I got the
acount [account?] of so many of my aquentanses
[acquaintances?] being dead shocked mee [me?] verry [very?]
much amongst these was Mr Faulkner and Andrew Sproule
Carpenter and Wm [William?] Campbell Stone Cutter & Medole
the Beaker [baker?]and Russel the Plummer [plumber?] and John
Monrow Cabinet Meaker [Maker?] and a great number too
numerous to Mention
the Number in Whole Died from the first of Agust [August?] to
the 15th of Nov. [November?] is concluded to be 6500 People
this sitty [city?] is verry [very?] Much [hurted?] by the
sickness and is thought by many it has a chanse [chance?] to
break out ageanst [against?] the Spring it has spoiled all
Kind of Treade [trade?] there has numbers Left the sitty
[city?] on acount [account?] and not coming back to [till?]
after Spring I should not come here only on the acount
[account?] of the Lead I brought on our arival [arrival?]
here put me to asinddy [uncertainty?] Whether to Leave the
sitty [city?] or stay to Sprig Wee [we?] took a Room and
shop But finding the Pay being so verry [very?] bad Wee [we?]
thought better to work for an Imployer [employer?] Where Wee
[we?] ar [are?] Paid Every Week the Room Wee [we?] Keep only
so that if sickness apears [appears?] Wee [we?] Intend to
Remove to New York.
This sitty [city?] I Like Midling [middling?] Well and has my
health as Well as I ever had thanks be to God our Weages
[wages?] is Five shilling and sixpence p. [per?] Day Each
Wee [we?] both Fell to Work In one shop the third Day after
our coming here Imployers [employer's?] prices here is Very
Good In Peanting [painting?] and Gleazing [glazing?] but Long
Trust Gleazing [glazing?] is Done here by the pean [pane?] or
Light acording [according?] to the size the General sizes is
10 I. [inches?] by 8 I. [inches?] which is one shilling and
10 I. [inches?] by 12 I. [inches?] is 2s [shillings?] and 9
I. [inches?] by 11 I. [inches?] is 1s. [shilling?] 6d. [pence?]
this corrensy [currency?] there is Larger Peans [panes?] so
Large as [10?] I. [inches?] by 20 I. [inches?] [these?] is
found by the owner of the Building. I am Gleazing [glazing?]
a Large hous [house?] at Preasent [present?] for the Imployer
[employer?] and for Priming and Putty and workmanship 1s.6d.
[1 shilling and 6 pence?] Light or Pean [pane?] the Gleazers
[glazers?] here is but verry [very?] bad at the Buisness
[business?] for the [they?] Both Peant [paint?] and Gleaze
[glaze?] the man that I work for is verry [very?] Hapy
[happy?] he mett [met?] with mee [mee?] and I Beleive
[believe?] would find Me in Constant Imployment [employment?]
at the Gleazing [glazing?] only but the summer time the
Weages [wages?] Is better I beleive [believe?] a Doller
[dollar?] a Day is the higest [highest?]
Boarding is Very Dear from two dollers [dollars?] to three Pr
[per?] Week a doller [dollar?] is 7s.6d. [7 shilings and 6
pence?] this corensy [currency?] as for Carpenters Weages
[wages?] Jurneymen [journeymen?] has from six shillings to a
Doller [dollar?] pr [per?] Day from sun up to sun Down but by
Peise [piece?] Work the [they?] can meake [make?] 10
shillings p [per?] Day
there is three Months in the year that all Treades [trades?]
is bad from December to March - there is a Great Demand for
Labourers at a [Rinall?] thier [their?] weages [wages?] in
winter is 4s.6.d [4 shillings and 6 pence?] & 5s. [shillings?] p
[per?] Day Where yoyl. [you will?] find some of your verry
[very?] Respectfull [respectful?] Irish Men that you would be
sorry to see - [---ttling?] is Dear Beef is from 5d.
[pence?] to 8d. [pence?] pr [per?] Pound in Market Butter is
1s 10d. [one shilling and tenpence?] pr [per?] lb [pound?] &
potatoes 6 shillings P [per?] Bushel Mutton 5d to 6d [pence?] and
Milk by the Quart is 6d. [pence?] Beer by Do [ditto?] 8d.
[pence?] Porter by Do [ditto?] Bottled 1s. [shilling?]
Spirits by the Quart 1s.10d. [1 shilling 10 pence?] out of
the stores and taverins [taverns?] 16d. [pence?] pr [per?]
half pint oat meal here out of the stores is 11d. [pence?] P
[per?] Quart Shoes is from 8s. [shillings?] in the market to
11s.3d. [11 shillings 3 pence?] bespoke.
Meaking [making?] of Cloase [clothes?] is Dear a coat from 2
Dollers [dollars?] to 20s. [shillings?] Small close
[clothes?] is 12 shillings Each -
As for My Part I heave [have?] not the smalles [smallest?]
Right to dispise [depsise?] this Cuntry [Country?] but I know
a great many wishes to be in Irland [Ireland?] agean [again?]
So from this youl [you will?] be a gudge [judge?] yourself.
Dear David
I hope as soon as this comes to hand youl [you will?]
Wright [write?] To me and give Me a full acount [account?] of
Belfast and Lett [let?] me Know if your Treade [trade?] is as
good as before I Left you and if its [it is?] Better I intend
coming next faul [Fall?] if God spears [spares?] Mee [me?]
health I Received your letter by Mr Irwin Which give [gave?]
mee [me?] the Greatest Pleasure I Met with sins [since?] I
came here to hear your [you are?] all well you Wright
[write?] to mee [me?] about Thos [Thomas?] Steel amd sinse
[since] I heave [have?] heard by Robert Longs [Long's?] Letter
that he saw thomas [Thomas?] smyth [Smyth and Thomas Steel in
Boltimore [Baltimore?] I amediately [immediately?] wrot
[wrote?] to Robt [Robert?] Long to Lett [let?] thomas
[Thomas?] steel [Steel?] Know that I Wished to see him not
Mentioning any thing that would Provent [prevent?] him
Remember Mee [me?] to all my old aquenteanses
[acquaintances?] and lett [let?] Mr smyth [Smyth?] Know that
Thomas Left Mee [me?] In New Castle in good health to go to
his brother on acount [account?] getting no work he was
intended going hom [home?] this faul [Fall?] after seeing his
brother but I find he has stoped [stopped?] in Boltimore
Remember me to Jack Mequillon and Peggy Rannin
I am sinserly [sincerely?] your Afectnate
[affectionate?] Brother
Samuel Brown.

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