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Title: Carey Murphy, Margaret to Carey, Mathew, 1798
CollectionIrish Immigrants in the Land of Canaan. Letters and memoirs from colonial and revolutionary America (1675-1815) [K.A. Miller et al.]
SenderCarey Murphy, Margaret
Sender Genderfemale
Sender Occupationtavern-keeper
Sender Religionunknown
OriginPhiladelphia, USA
DestinationPhiladelphia, USA
RecipientCarey, Mathew
Recipient Gendermale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count652
Genrelatest events
TranscriptMargaret Carey Murphy, Philadelphia, to Mathew Carey, Philadelphia, no date [received 17 December 1798]

Dear Brother
You will I hope excuse me for not profiting of your pressing invitation but the state of mind I at present feel disheartens me from leaving home or intruding my trouble on those who are themselves happy, When you were with <me> I was to<o> full to be able to communicate to you a plan which I had yesterday formed if possible to be executed, 1st I have this night to abolish card-playing which will rid the house of a vast deal of trouble prevent late sitting up & be attended with satisfaction, if not so profitable will make it more comfortable for hou[ses] where cards are not permitted are more peaceable than where they are — 2nd if possible to find a person who can give security for the property in the house to allow him half profit for a few months which I would pass in the Country if possible to restore my health — Connor I could entrust for honesty but he is too rough & uncouth in his manner to please the company — the abolishing of cards will keep quietness as gamblers are the only <patrons> who misbeheave & make a noise about their money Sunday nights always are comfortable, no loud talking every man comes in takes what he pleases makes no stay & goes off early, week nights one comes in so does another then a third a fourth make up a card table play sometimes for money sometimes for Supper or liquor perhaps for all three stay late, perhaps agree or perhaps not generally speaking card-players are the poorest customers, Sunday Nights, do not generally speaking, turn out as much money as other nights but I have not half the fire or candles used as other nights, go to bed by Eleven O Clock instead of two; from all these circumstances I infer that it is possible (if in good health with a good assistant) I could live tolerably happy where I am, for here I am sure of being able to advance in the world One circumstance more I will state which to me seems favourable — the river in all apearance will in a day or two, close there are two boat loads of good Oysters, in at present my neighbour who like me sells Oysters is not able to lay in a Stock, I am consequently if I loose my card customers my Oyster ones will encrease I have not as yet laid in a stock & seems doubtful whether I will or not I attempted yesterday to advise with Mr Gallagher but found the subject too weighty on my mind to be able to proceed You may if you please consult with him he is a better judge of my business than you are — Whatever plan you can both fix on I will agree to follow if compatible with my health which call<s> immediately for my absence from here As for buying the bake-house I am nearly resolved not I think it would be madness to sink my money & fasten myself to a place which might, or might not, turn out well. I am well aware that it would be difficult to find a person whom I could entrust with my property but I do not despair such a one might be found in the meantime Connoll might remain & I go immediately to the Country for nothing else will save my life When you have fixed your opinion you will please commit it to writing & send it to me for I have not resolution enough to converse calmly on the subject, if possible let me hear from you this night for by Wednesday morning I expect the Oysters will be all either sold or bespoke Adieu excuse the Scrawl
I am Yrs M Murphy