Title: | Colonel Pomeroy's Diary for Voyage to America |
ID | 666 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Col. John Pomeroy/35 |
Year | 1768 |
Sender | Colonel John Pomery |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | army officer |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | unknown |
Destination | unknown |
Recipient | unknown |
Recipient Gender | unknown |
Relationship | unknown |
Source | T 2954/5/3: Presented by Mrs. A. R. Hodgson, The Cottage, Compton, Guildford, Surrey. |
Archive | The Public Record Office, N. Ireland |
Doc. No. | 9602040 |
Date | 01/09/1768 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | LET |
Log | Document added by LT, 01:02:96. |
Word Count | 1986 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | page 1st Thursday 1st September 1768 64th & 65th Regts [regiments?] embarked at Corke [Cork?] at Seven in the Morning - Fryday [Friday?] 2 Col [colonel?] Lestre Caps [captains?] Powell & Hervay & I went down on Board transports, dined & Lay at the Cove of Corke [Cork?] Saturday 3d We went on Board the Isabella Transport remained on Board Nothing extraordinary till Tuesday 6th A Signal Made from Man of War at 3 in the Evening to unmoor [?] - another at Six to [Wheig?] & Fall [d---?] - Wednesday 7th A Gun fired & a signal made for sailing a little after Five in Morning we were under way at Eight - little Wind & against us, obliged to anchor at Harbour Mouth - at 2 oclock [o'clock?] afternoon, Gun fired to put into Harbour & anchored - anchored off Cove [Cobh?] at Seven in Evening Page - 2d Thursday 8th dined on Board the Frigate & at three oclock [o'clock?], Gun Fired to sail - got under Sail, but were obliged to put Back in two hours - Fryday [Friday?] 9th Capt [captain?] Man of War dined aboard of us Nothing extraordinary Saturday - 10th at half after 8 in Morning Gun fired to sail - got under sail by nine - blew hard to fair - every one sick - Sunday - 11th - Fine day Wind fair - Monday 12 Wind fair, blew very hard, a very high Sea - parted with the Robert at Night in a high Wind - Tuesday 13th Blew hard, but fair - very near running foul of the Man of War, the Robert joyned [joined?] us at ten at Night, Wednesday 14th very Fine day - wind fair - Page 3d Thursday 15th wind Fair blew fresh - Fryday [Friday?] 16 fine day - wind fair Nothing extraordinary Saturday 17th - Blew hard - but fair - Sunday - 18th - very fine day, boats out, Major dined on board Man of War -- Monday - 19th very Fine day, little wind, & against us Tuesday - 20th very Fine day. Lay too [to?], visited & changed Signals - wind sprang up in the Evening - & blew Fresh in the Night & against us - Wednesday 21d Blew very hard against us. Capt [captain?] of Frigate was to have dined with us, but the sea too high - all night blew very hard, the Robert, Brilliant, & Carolina fell to Leeward & parted Company kept a look out all Night, to see the Madeiras Thursday 22d very fine Morning, the wind a little more in our favour, the Robert joyning [joining?] us - Page 4th Fryday [Friday?] - 23d very fine day, the wind pretty Fair, imagine we are coming into the Trade. Saturday 24th fine day. Wind fair, Capt [captain?] of frigate dined on Board of us Sunday 25th have got into the Trade - a Man died on board, Capt [captain?] Davies Company, at ten oclock [o'clock?], Signal from Man of War of seeing Land - at 12 Made it very plain - the Island of [Jonaril?], one of the Canary Islands - the Carolina came in sight in the Evening - Monday 26th we spoke with the Caroline at four Oclock [o'clock?] in the Morning - saw the Peak of [Jonaril?], & the Grand Canaries, & one or two Little Islands Palma and Gomera - Tuesday 27 - Nothing extraordinary Page 5 Wednesday 28 - in Latitude 25 - saw a great Many Flying Fish - Thursday 29th Met a ship bound to Coast of Africa - Nothing extraordinary - went 8 knots an hour Fryday [Friday?] - 30th Nothing extraordinary - Saturday - October 1d some of the officers from the Robert Transport dined on board of us - Sunday 2d - Nothing extraordinary - Monday 3d Little Wind, almost becalmed, Major dined on Board Man of War spoke a good deal with Col [Colonel?] Mackay. Tuesday 4th - Little Wind, catched [caught?] a Barracouta [barracuda?] - Wednesday - 5th Nothing extraordinary, very little Wind Weather intensely Hot, officers from on Board the Robert dined with us, Thursday 6th Calm - Nothing Extraordinary Page 6 Fryday [Friday?] 7th becalmed - we catched [caught?] a Dolphin - we are this day within 3 Leagues of the Tropic, being in Latitude 23 - 34 - Capt [captain?] Parker visited us in the Evening Saturday 8th Calm with a very great Swell - [jars?] on the Line this day, saw two Tropic birds - Capt [captain?] of Man of War dined with us - a fresh Breese [breeze?] sprang up in the Evening Sunday 9th Nothing extraordinary Monday 10th - a very fresh Breese [breeze?] saw quantity of Popoises [porpoises?] - Tuesday - 11th - fresh Wind Continues Wednesday 12th Nothing extraordinary Page 7th Thursday - 13th a fine fresh Wind Fryday [Friday?] - 14th blows fresh with Squals [squalls?] - expect to see the Island of Bermudas [Bermuda?] by Wednesday Next Saturday 15th Blew very hard at Night, we split one of our [Midden?] Sails - Sunday 16 - Nothing extraordinary Monday 17th - Nothing extraordinary Tuesday 18th - very little Wind Wednesday 19th in the Morning little Wind, & that against us, imagine we have left the trade - saw a Devil fish - Capt [captain?] Parker dined on board of us - at four in the Evening the Wind sprang up very fresh. at past Five it blew very Page 8th hard, & the Unity alongside of us carried away her Fore top Mast, & Main top [Gellaws?] mast - the Man of War sent carpenters on board of her - the Capt [captain?] of the Unity the day before wanted to part Company - & in the Morning the Capt [captain?] of the Man of War was acquainted with it, & sent an officer on board to take charge of the Ship - it blew hard in the Night - Thursday 20th blows hard but fair - we are about 50 Leagues from the Island of Bermudas [Bermuda?] - in the Horse latitudes - from 28 to 32 Fryday [Friday?] 21d Nothing extraordinary Saturday 22d - early in the Morn [morning?] - saw a sail, [brought?] help, at Nine Oclock [o'clock?] - a french ship from [--?] [----rcois?] bound to Marseilles Page 9th Sunday 23d early in the Morn [morning?] most violent Rain & Squals [squalls?] of Wind - blew very hard all day, the Robert carried away her Gib Boom & the Raven Split her Fore Top sail Monday 24th Wind against us - nothing extraordinary - Tuesday 25th Fine day - Wind more favourable - Wednesday 26th Blew very hard, but quite fair - went 10 knots an hour - hope to be at Boston in five days - Wind Changed in Night Thursday 27th Blew very hard & against us, a North Wester, we were under our Courses for 12 hours, none but the sea Men Could keep the deck Page 10th broke many of our things in the Cabbin [cabin?] with the Ships Rolling - all Night blew hard Fryday [Friday?] 28th in the morn [morning?], Wind began to abate - at Noon came a point or two in our favour the fleet all in Sight tho [though?] at a great distance - Saturday 29th Before day Break began to blow very hard at North West from Six in Morn till four afternoon blew a perfect Storm, under our courses the Whole time - Sunday 30th the Weather Moderate but Wind Still full against us, no chance of Making Boston with it, the fleet greatly dispersed by the Storm of yesterday, one Ship Missing. we are at too Page 11th great a distance to be certain whether it is the Man of War or the Robert - we find it is the Robert that is Missing - the Wind rises very high at Night - Monday 31d Blows very hard in the Morning & all the Night before, at day Break we find we have lost the Raven - our Tiller Rope Broke in the Evening the Raven came in Sight - a fine Night Tuesday - 1 November at Day break, we find we have lost Convoy & fleet - occasioned as we imagine by Not seeing the Signal Last Night for Tacking. a very fine day quite [unintelligible] Page 12th Wednesday 2d fine day, the Wind come quite Fair at 12 Oclock [o'clock?], but very little of it, by our observation this day we find the Gulph [Gulf?] Stream has carried us a good way to the Northward, we hope in two days to get to Boston - we Lay too [to?] at 12 at Night for fear of Nantucket Shoals & the Southward of St. Georges Bank - at half after 12 at Night it began to Blow very hard - from one to half past three a perfect Hurricane - we split our Main main Top Sail - & lay for near three hour under Bare poles with our Helm Lashed, we were all Wel [well?] in our Beds with the Rain Page 13th Thursday 3d - a Hang [?] Moderate morning got an observation at 12 - we hope we are Clear of Nantucket, & steer Northward to avoid St George Bank - we think we are not above 31 Leagues from Cape Cod - Fryday [Friday?] 4th Began to Blow very hard early in the Morning & quite against us, Continued so the whole day we were almost all day under our Courses - at Nights grew Moderate - were blown a little off the Coast Thursday, the Night fine - Saturday 5th very fine Morning but wind quite Contrary - saw a ship at day Break Page 14 Sunday 6th A fine day, very little Wind but fair, we saw the Unity & bore down to her - she sent her Boat on Board of us - & told us she parted Company Last Wednesday with the Man of War - & that all the fleet had parted from her before she did - the Unity was in great distress for dining, we supplied them - we are not above fifty Leagues from Boston - Monday 7th very fine Weather - front, which has brought the wind to North East quite fair - hope to be in Boston in two days - the Unity in Company with us - Tuesday 8th - the wind changed at 11 Oclock [o'clock?] in the Morning, blows fresh Page 15th quite against us, we met a Schooner from Marble Head at Eleven in the Morning, who tells us we are 15 Leagues from Cape Ann, & 18 from Boston, blew fresh the whole day against us, Late in the Evening we saw Land, which they imagined was the three [Agamenticos?] Hills - spoke to a ship in the Night Wednesday - 9th at day break we saw Land Not four Leagues from us, we think it Cape Ann, becalmed alongside of it, Wind sprang up in the Evening - fair, but we were afraid to run in for the Coast at Night as no one on board knew any thing of the Land [and?] Page 16th - saw many boats, &, fired several Guns, but None would Come Near us, we tacked after in the Night for fear of the Land, being often very near the Rocks Thursday 10th - at day break we fired a Gun & made a signal, & at Eight A Pilot Boat put off - & brought us up just to the town of Boston at ten Oclock [o'clock?] Morning - where the Robert had got in the Night before - the Unity, & Brilliant a few hours before us - & we, thank God, dropt [dropped?] an anchor at Half after ten morning |